I suprise a very, very powerful Being

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Ima use some code names for this so here they all are:
Percy: Torture
Annabeth: Alpha
Claire: Omega
Piper: Charm
Luke: Stealth
Zoe: Arrow
Biannca: Star
Seelina: Beauty
Charles: Ignite

Just to be clear I'm only using "Commander" in front of Percy, Annabeths, and Pipers names

Thailas  pov

       After the commander left everyone went back to their conversations. I still think some of the voices sound fimiliar but I cant tell. I looked over at the Chaos table. The warriros were leaning in, talking in hushed tones. I heard a few sentences though, " Why couldnt we stay on planet Orbition, theres less odors their, well maybe two idots" Comander Alpha said. "I toldaly agree" Commander Charm said. I didnt foucuss on the rest of the conversation because breafest was ending and free time was soon to come.
      I met up with Nico and Will after Breafest and decided to go find Commander Torture. We have some private questions. "I heard him say he was going to go train, lets check the Arena" Nico said. I have become over protective of my cousin since my friends left, he was quieteter and Jason is always picking on him because he is dating Will. Thats excactly why I disowned him a long time ago. Ugh stupid ADHD always makingmme distracted.
       We walked silently toward the arena, sound of metal hitting medal getting louder and louder. We reached the front and decided for me to ask the questions, how nice of my cousin and friends. I walked through themgate and noticed a almost empty arena except for Commander  Torture and Commander Alpha. They were paring in the middle of the arena, each with armor the purest black and their own wepons. Torture was floating in the air, literally, right above Alpha. After a couple of minutes of watching we made our way over to them, they noticed us g0coming toward them and stood up for Alphas case and flotaed to earth for Tortures case. I swear I saw them tense up seeing us.
       We stopped a couple feet away giving them space. "What do you want" Torture asked. I took a deep breath and spoke out my question, I swear I saw them both tense up because of it, "I have a question, have you seen my cousin Percy Jackson?"

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