Question time, how fun :(

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Pipers pov

      It was time, time to see our old friends, time to maybe show our identies to them. The four of us (Luke was added) were walking through the woods. Me and Annabeth up front and Luke and Percy in the back.  It was weird, Percy and Annabeth haven't talked the whole time, probaly from their fight. "-most there"Annabeth told me when I focoused back on our conversation. "Huh, what?" I asked. Annabeth rolled her eyes and reapead herself, "Were almost there". I nodded and we walked the rest of the way in silence, well Annabeth and I did Percy and Luke were talking the whole way.
      When we showed up at Zues fist Thaila, Nico, and Will were leaning agianst the rocks, trying to not fall asleep. They straightened up when the saw us. "I see you brought along Charm and stealth" Will said. Annabeth nodded, "they decided to help answer your questions". Percy waved his heand and two benchs appeared one for the other three and one for us. "Sit and we will exsplain" I said, my words laced with charmspeak. They followed my directions and  sat while we took our seat. I sat althe way to the right wit Annabeth next to me, Luke on her left and Percy all the way to the left.
      "How about we go back and forth, three questions each?" Annabeth sugested. "Alright Question one, are Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, and Piper McLean Alive?" Thaila asked us. "Yes and well" I answered. Will and Thaila smiled at the news and Nico nodded. "Have you met them?" Will asked. "Yes..." Luke told himm,  He nodded.   "One more question" Annabeth said. "Why did you tell us they were dead when now your telling us their alive?" Nico asked narrowing his eyes on Percy. "To lesson suspision and to get you guys to stop answering questions which seems to happen anyways"Percy stated solemnly. That was the last question which means our turn.
       "Why do you want to know about these three people?" I asked them. Thaila sighed, "We want to know what happened to them, one day we were friends and the next we hated them, we just want to know what was going on". "How many people want to know too?"Percy asked. "Us and Three gods, Artemis, Hades, and Hestia" Will responded. "What would you give to see them right now?"Annabeth asked getting a very noticible glare from Percy, even from under the mask. "Everything"Nico stated. I watched Annabeth raise her hands to her hood and flick it down. I followed her exsample and flicked mine down. Thaila, Will, and Nico were flabbergasted. "We missed you so much"Thaila daid rushing forward and hugging us, clarealy over come from her shock.
        Nico and Will hugged us too, spilling apologies from their mouths. "That means one is you is Percy right?" Thaila asked looking in between Luke and Percy. Annabeth smiked and ripped Percys hood down. "Your right this one is" Annabeth said. Percy death glared Annabeth but let Nico and Thaila Hug him tightly. "What happened?". "Who are you?" "Can one of you please exsplain!". Annabeth put her hands up and sileneced them. "We'll answer your questions tomorrow, same time, right now we have stuff to deal with". They pouted and hugged us each another time, then ran off. "Percy and Luke stood up, Percy made the couchs dissapear. "That was in called for"Percy told Annabeth before him and Luke walked off into the dark woods. "Whatever, lets go tell the others how it went" Annabeth said. I nodded and we walked back to the cabin, with the moon shining our path.

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