Chapter One : Beginnings

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Silence. Nothing but silence. All she could hear was her heavy short breath and her rapid heartbeat. Her throat felt like it was clogging up out of fear, but yet she had to be ready for anything to come her way. Her heart pounding, she curled up inside a hollow tree, as her kidnappers passed through the forest. The rustling of leaves echoed beneath their heavy footsteps, each sound is a haunting reminder of the danger that surrounded her.

She didn't dare to make a sound, she held her breath captive in her chest. The silence was deafening as she tried to steady her racing thoughts. She knew that even within the shelter of the ancient bark, she was still but a breath away from exposure. She watched the predators relentlessly search for her, and that's when her phone began to ring, giving out her location.

She sprinted as fast as she could, but it was useless, they were faster than her, and now she's surrounded.

She doesn't have any other option but to fight. She took a deep breath, thinking to herself ' what the hell did I get myself into? '.

With another deep breath, she runs towards the man in front of her, she jumps to throw a spinning back kick. The man dodged her kick, and grabbed her leg, resulting her to fall to the ground, head first.

" Hahahahah. Did you see that ? She's got some moves. ".
Alice stood back up and kicked the man in his scrotum, making him squeal out of pain. " How do you like me now?" She laughed.

The other man, whispers from behind as he pressed a cloth dipped in chloroform to her face, " first rule in fights, is to never get distracted.". Alice struggled for a little bit, but she couldn't slip out of his grip, and fell unconscious.


One year earlier...

Alice's POV

Graduation day was the best day in my life, because i will finally go off to college, and be free from my father.
But little did I know, that when I will arrive home, my entire life will be crashing down.

" I can't believe you're going to college when I'm stuck here. " my friend Amanda whined.

Amanda is your typical high-school drama queen that every man adores and every girl is jealous of. I like to hang out with her because she's not the fake friend type. She's had my back ever since middle grade, after finding out how my father treats me at home.
" It's okay. You only have one more year in this dump, and you'll catch up with me girly.".
" Promise me you'll visit every week. " Amanda said.
" I promise. See you later i can't be late. You know the rules. " I said as I ran off to the car.

I have a personal driver my father hired to take me to school and back. He was my only friend outside of school, even though there's a huge age difference. He knows how cruel my father is, so he sometimes sneaks me out to the park, or to get ice cream on our way back home.
He was more of a father to me, than my actual father.

John Luchesse, my father, 170 cm, skinny and his gray hair is spreading fast. He owns many shops and bars around the city, but didn't want to spoil us with money.

Not just that he never lets me leave the house, he also chose my friends, my school, my life. I had to take piano lessons since i was 5 years old, to keep me busy. At least that was something I liked. Then, when I turned 9, he changed my piano lessons into kick boxing, saying it will come in handy when I grow up. I don't see why though. It's not like he'll ever let me go anywhere, I still don't know how he's letting me go to college alone.
He never cared about what I wanted to do or who I want to become. He only cared about my brothers actually.

Jacob, is the first born, and closest to my dad. 175 cm gone to waste, not searching for a purpose in his life, other than making his dad proud of him.

Then comes Isaac, 190 cm, light brown hair , and forest green eyes with a hint of yellow in them. He is your average skinny gamer boy that has all women falling to his feet. He also works with my father, but not as much as Jacob. Isaac believes that life has more to offer other than John and the family business.

Why Me ?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें