Chapter Thirty: Desperate Moments

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Alice POV


" Alice..."..

" Alice please, answer!!! ".

I heard Ryder's desperate voice echo through the hall, but it seemed to fade away as an annoying high pitched tone began to rise in my ears.

What just happened?

Did I just faint?

" Alice!!"...

His voice... sounds closer, but it also seems that it is still echoing.

I'm trying to open my eyes, but they feel heavy. My body feels like it has been shattered into a million pieces.

Every bone aching with pain.

Waves of nausea washed over me, threatening to make me sick..


I want to tell Ryder that I am awake, that I just can't open my eyes, but I'm being held captive by all the pain.

" Please little mouse... Get up, please!!! ".

Please, Ryder.... let me rest for a little bit. I'm so tired.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! " Ryder's voice cracked with raw emotion, his plea is breaking my heart.

Don't cry. I'm here. Just give me a second to regain my strength, and figure out what the hell just happened.

" NOOOO!!! ".

Why is Jake screaming?


I began to wonder what is going on, why everyone seems so desperate, but the fatigue is weighing me down, making it hard for me to focus. I need to rest, just for a few seconds.

" Boss, I beg you, let me hold her a little longer! ".

I'm beginning to feel frightened. They are touching me, but I can't feel anything. I want to shout at them to stop, that I can feel their presence, but the words eluded me. Why are they so distraught? Can't they see that I'm okay? I just need to gather my strength.

" BACK OFF! I'M NOT GONNA FUCKING WAIT FOR AN AMBULANCE TO COME! " Ryder's voice was the only thing I could hear now.

" No boss please... She needs an ambulance! We can't just pick her up like that! What if we mess something up!".

" FUCK OFF JAKE, SHE'S DYING! ". His voice pierced into my ears. Confusion and fear crashed over me. Dying? How can that be? I'm okay, right?

" Boss trust me! Any mistake can be eternal in such situations! " Jake's voice, filled with desperation, tried to reason with Ryder.

" GOD! YOU'RE GETTING ON MY FUCKING NERVES! " Ryder's voice boomed into my ears.

Damn it Ryder, Stop panicking.

" They're two minutes away! ". Mai's voice cut through the haze, bringing some resemblance of hope. Relief washed over me, before another wave of pain crashed over me.

" Petit, open your eyes! I can't lose you! I don't care that you're happy with another man.... I just want you to be okay...." Jake's voice is trembling.

" Little mouse, please.... I can't lose you, not now!". The vulnerability in Ryder's voice pierced my heart. I now realize that his love for me went deeper than I imagined. How did I not see this before?

I don't think I've ever seen... Or in my case, heard Ryder cry before. Especially in front of his team.

" I love you!! " . His words echoed through my ears. I can't give up, I won't leave him. Not now!

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