Chapter Twenty-Seven: Breakdowns

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As Ryder's eyes met Alice's quivering form, his heart shattered into a thousand pieces. The sight of her, broken and helpless, crying over her brother's lifeless body, weighed heavily on him. In that heartbreaking moment, Ryder yearned to pull Alice into his arms, wipe away her tears and offer her support. But at this very moment, Mai needed her big brother to be by her side more than ever.

The second Ryder turned to tell Kaden and Brandon to calm Alice down, Jake was already running towards her, unable to bear the thought of anyone else touching her in her vulnerable state. He took Alice into his tender embrace, holding her tightly.

Jealousy tugged at Ryder's chest, but he knew that now was not the time for such emotions.

Alice cried on Jake's shoulder. Each sob that racked her body echoed the massive pain she felt, and all Ryder wanted, was to ease her suffering. But as much as he longed to offer comfort, he understood that Jake was providing an important anchor for Alice amidst this tragic storm....


The following day...

The whole world seemed to be dark in Mai's eyes. It was a sunny day, but she felt as if the clouds were closing in, and a storm was about to begin.

She didn't leave the bed she once shared with her beloved Isaac. Her sight began to get blurry, due to the non-stop crying through out the night. Ryder tried to stay by her side that night after they got back to the mansion, but she refused.

" I wanna be alone. " she said after locking herself in her bedroom.

It was time...

Time for Isaac's burial.

Time for Mai to say her last goodbye.

She went into the bathroom to finally wash up from all the blood. When she looked at her reflection, she saw the earrings Isaac gave her, sparkle on her ears. Flashbacks of their shared memories appear in the back of her head, as if she was watching every moment through the mirror.

Smiling, Mai realizes a scar on her eye that would forever remind her of that night. A scar Kenzo gave her. Her smile faded away with the rush of fury resurfacing her chest. She punches the mirror, making it shatter into hundreds of pieces.

She walked outside to find everyone gathered. Waiting for her to go to the cemetery.

After they arrived, Jake began the eulogy on behalf of Alice and Mai, " Even though I don't know much about him...".

Mai sat down next to the casket.

" I heard that he finally made amends with Alice, and that I'm happy for her. They were able to find closure....".

Mai began to whisper in Isaac's ear," You promised me forever. You told me that you'll never leave me. And what did you do? You broke your promise. Why didn't you fight, huh? Why didn't you fight for your life? I know that you were capable of doing so. You were so close in beating ME that day in the car. But you didn't wanna fight, did you? You didn't wanna fight to be with me. I get it. I was too much for you. Or not much. So you chose to let them catch you. To let them kill you. But I ripped his heart out... you know. Your killer. But you don't deserve it. I should've let him kill me too. So my spirit would be stuck with you forever. But don't worry.... One day I will join you in the after life. And when that day comes... I promise I will make you suffer. Jokes on you... you thought you could run away from me. Believe me, I will be joined with you one day. You told me you love me. You fucking proposed to me... and I wasn't able to rub it in everyone's face. You fucking told me you'd marry me, have kids with me... Build a cute little house in the fucking mountains, for us to start a stupid little family with lots of cats. Where's that promise of yours? WHERE IS IT?!? YOU FUCKING LEFT ME HERE ALL ALONE, WITH NOTHING BUT EMPTY PROMISES AND A BROKEN HEART!!! YOU ARE A FUCKING LIAR!!! LIAR!!! ".

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