Chapter Twenty-Six: The Dance of Sorrow and Revenge

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The lines written in italic font and that are underlined are flashbacks... The following chapter contains graphic depictions of violence and torture....

She awakened with cold water splashing to her face. Feeling the pain coursing through her body, her eyes struggled to adjust to the dimly flickering surroundings. Chains rattled, echoing grimly in the cold room, as she found herself hanging by her arms, like a sheep for slaughter.

A shiver ran down her spine as footsteps grew steadily nearer, signaling the arrival of Kenzo, the one who held the strings to her fate.

" Where am I?" she managed to croak, her voice laced with anguish, yet holding a glimmer of defiance.
Kenzo, his piercing gaze narrowing, walked closer, an air of menace surrounding him like an inescapable shadow.

" You won't get any answers until you tell me where Santos is hiding John." he declared, a twisted smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

Silence hung heavy in the stale air as Mai planned her next move.

" I'll never betray him." she hissed through gritted teeth, refusing to yield to defeat.

Kenzo's eyes flashed with a mixture of irritation and sadistic delight. " Very well, " he growled, his voice dripping with venom. " If you won't reveal his location willingly, then perhaps a demonstration of my persuasive methods is in order.".

Without a warning, Kenzo lashed out with brutal force, striking Mai with relentless, bone-crushing blows. Each strike provoked screams and gasps of agony, echoed by the cold, unforgiving walls. But to her credit, she boldly tolerated, vowing to protect Santos at all costs.

The room became a symphony of agony, as Kenzo's fists danced like a conductor's baton, orchestrating the rise of torture. But amidst the chaos, a stubborn spirit remained unbroken, fueling the drive to carry on.

Gasping for air, Mai managed to choke out her words, " You're going to regret this. ". The room fell silent for a moment, the symphony of agony pausing as Kenzo regarded her with cold eyes, his fists still clenched tightly.

But as the pain radiated through her body, a surge of defiance coursed through Mai's veins. In the stillness, memories began to flood her mind, a bitter reminder of how she had ended up in this nightmare.

Mai recalled the fateful night that passed. They got caught, drugged and trapped like prey in a hunter's snare. Their desperate attempt to get the Yakuza's off their back had been cut short.

Pain explodes in the enemy's chest as his ribs snap. His breathing comes labored. He wobbles as Mai punishes him with an uppercut that sends him onto the rails. Being stuck in between the cold metal and Mai's ruthless jabs.

She pursues her enemy and fires foot and fist into him repeatedly, like she's exercising on a heavy bag rather than hitting a person.

" That's enough, I've got somewhere to be! " He growls.

The man has had enough of her, with a blink of an eye he crouches down and throws a lethal blow to her abdomen, causing her to fly back and hit the wall. She slides down the wall with agonizing pain.

The weight of the buff man's blows crashing down on her, shattered her ribs into pieces. The pain echoed in her body now. She tried to take in deep breaths, but with every gasp for air, pain followed.

The man slowly walked towards Mai and held her up by the neck, making it even harder for her to breathe. As she was about to give up, a group of men walked in as they dragged Isaac like a bag of trash into the room. She looked at him with the side of her eye, to find him motionless.

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