Chapter Nine: The Darkness That Lays Beneath Us

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Alice's POV


We all have darkness in us. Some are born with it, and some adopt it as they grow. When we are born, toxicity from people around us impact our souls and decisions. Toxic people are like water droplets in caves, slowly dripping on the rocks beneath them, creating holes, until the water finally breaks the rock in half. Unfortunately, as kind hearted and down to earth a person can be, the wrong people they are surrounded by, can break them. Turning them into cold blooded monsters.

When you care deeply about someone, you would do everything in your power to protect them, in the moment of heat, you can make decisions you never imagined you are capable of. Decisions that can turn your whole life around, or maybe even end it. When you love someone from the bottom of your heart... You may kill for them, or even die.

Blood!!! All I can see is blood. I didn't understand what happened nor do I understand how it did. But all I know, is that the gun is in my hands, and a man was dying before my eyes.



A few months earlier....

Mai grabbed Alice's arm and rushed out of the restaurant as she was still speaking with Ryder on the phone.

'' Keep her safe.''. Alice heard Ryder's voice coming from Mai's phone, before she hung up.

" What's going on Mai? Please, I'm scared. " Alice panics in the car.

" Where's your phone?! " Mai steps on the gas pedal and drives off, as fast as she can.

" With me, why? " Alice says, as her voice shivers.

" Throw it out the car, now...", " But why?-"... " NOW! ". Alice didn't say another word. She threw the phone out of the fast car, leading it shatter into hundreds of pieces.

" You're not that good with removing bugs after all. " Mai said.

" Why?".

" John found you. They are going up to the restaurant, as we speak. ".

Alice's eyes fill up in tears. Tears of fear, of confusion. " Why is he doing this. Why me!!?? Tell me Mai... I know you know! ".

Mai begins to hesitate as she looks at her friend, " I can't... ".

" Mai, I thought we are friends. Friends don't hide things from eachother. ".

" I'm sorry Al, but I can't tell you. Ryder will kill me. All I can say is that... Well...- " , " Spit it out! " Alice screams. " You're very important to John. Especially now, after turning eight-teen. ".

" But why?? It's not like he was ever good to me. " Alice asks as her heart thumps harder.

" Let's forget everything we're talking about, and focus on getting you safe. " Mai said.

" Be careful! " Alice screams.

Men in black suits, stood in the middle of the road, to block the car from escaping. With lightening speed, Mai stomps on the gas pedal, causing the tires to screech loudly against the rough concrete. The car skids into a controlled slide, its rear end unwinding and threatening to lose traction.

Mai, now at a complete sideways halt, glares at the approaching men. They pause, momentarily terrified by the confident aura that surrounds her.

Mai rolls down her window, with a low and menacing voice, she says "You don't want to mess with me, gentlemen.".

Mai lifts her foot from the brake pedal, but instead of accelerating forward, she allows the engine to growl and roar menacingly.

" Alice, you have to listen to me carefully if you wanna get out of this alive." Mai says.

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