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[ A t s u m u ]

Fluttering my eyes open, I groan at the pain in my head and sit up. "Get dressed," Kiyoomi says, walking past the front of the bed and dropping some clothes on the edge of it. Frowning, I'm about to ask where we're going but he beats me to it. "We're taking you to the doctor. I have a horrible feeling and need some closure to ensure you're okay." He adds, staring directly at me.

Ugh, I feel like throwing up again.

Standing up, I lose my balance and end up falling forward but the raven quickly catches me in his arms. "Exactly why we're going to see a doctor. Your balance is off." He mumbles the last bit, sounding a bit worried.

"I'm fine-"

"No, you're not fine. Just get dressed and sit on the bed while doing so." He demands, sitting me down on the bed and walking away. He knows I don't like being looked at when changing because I don't want him to see the scars.

After I'm done changing, I realize that it's dark outside. "We're seriously going to the doctors at night? But no place is even open-" I mumble, getting cut off.

"Going to the emergency room," Kiyoomi states bluntly, turning around to face me. He walks over and places my shoes in front of me. Sitting back down on the bed, I put on my shoes and tie the laces before standing back up. He grabs my hand and drags me out of the hotel room, guiding me toward the elevators. Stepping inside, he presses the 1st floor and we begin our descent.

Making it to the 1st floor, we exit the hotel and walk toward a black Cadillac Escalade. Sliding into the back seat, Hina is in the front passenger seat next to the driver.

"Are you feeling alright, dear?" The woman asks as we start our drive to the nearest emergency room.

"Feeling a bit nauseous, my head hurts, and my vision is kinda blurry. I also kept losing my balance..." I mumble, starting to get a bit worried. Something is seriously wrong with me and I'm scared to know what it is.

The woman mutters something inaudible with a frown, worry crossing her features.

After a 5-minute drive, the driver pulls up into the emergency drop-off area. Stepping down, we walk inside. Hina guides me over to the waiting area while Kiyoomi checks me in. Sitting down, I place my hand on my forehead and lean forward. The woman rubs my back gently as her son walks over and sits on the other side of me.

Not even 2 minutes later, my name is called and we all head into the room that the nurse stands beside. She closes the door and gestures for me to sit down. "So, can you tell me the symptoms?" She asks.

"Nausea, vomiting, blurry vision, headaches, and balance problems," I respond, wincing at the pounding in my head. The woman stays silent, staring at me which worries my boyfriend.

"W-Why are you looking at him like that? Is something wrong with his symptoms?" He asks hastily, his mother shushing him softly while rubbing his back.

"For your sake, let's all hope that what you're experiencing is just migraines... But we need to do some testing just to be safe. First, we need to do a blood test and then an MRI. You don't mind if he stays overnight, do you?" The nurse asks.

"We don't mind it at all," Hina responds for Kiyoomi who seems awfully stressed. I'm getting more scared by the minute because of his reactions.

"Okay, follow me and we'll get you to a room." The woman says, gesturing for us to follow her out of the room and down the hall lined with hospital rooms. She stops at room 10, opening the curtain. "Due to the vomiting, we're going to get you hydrated before we do anything. So go ahead and get dressed into this gown and I'll be right back." She then closes the curtain, leaving only me and Kiyo in the room.

𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now