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[ S a k u s a ]

I got the notification of Atsumu sending out his location, so now I'm speeding home, not following any traffic rules. Pulling into the driveway with a few other cars pulling up, my heart clenches at the sight of the door broken down. Stepping out of my car, I run inside and let tears well in my eyes at the sight of Lapis laying lifeless on the ground, blood pouring from her stomach. Looking to the side, Jewels is passed out against the wall. (Probably should have mentioned that it was night when all of this happened.)

Rei, Maya, my mom, and my dad stop dead in their tracks, Rei letting out a harsh sob as she runs to Lapis while Maya tends to Jewels.

"Atsumu... ATSUMU?!" I call out, running around the house until I get upstairs and notice my bedroom door also kicked down. "SHIT!" I shout, running my hands through my hair before running back downstairs. My friends rush inside, stiffening at the sight of the dogs.

"Oh my god..." Oikawa mumbles, slapping his hand over his mouth and turning to run into Iwaizumi's arms.

"Atsumu is gone! I can't find him!" I state, worry evident in my tone. "I SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT HIM ALONE! W-WHAT WAS I THINKING?!"

"Kiyoomi! Calm down! Panicking won't solve the situation!" My mom orders, walking over and placing her hands on my shoulders. "We'll find him... b-but first..." She mumbles, looking over at Lapis. "She's gone..." At this, the tears continue to stream down my face. Walking over to her, I get down on my knees slowly and grab her head, placing her head down on my lap.

"Rest now," I whisper into her ear, my tears falling onto her fur.

Lapis meant everything to me. I've had her since she was a puppy. I was gifted her when I was 16, and now being 22... She was too young to die. 6 years old...

Crying, I hug her tightly and shut my eyes. Exhaling a shaky breath, I pull away and gently pet her. (If you haven't lost a pet, you have no idea how much it hurts. Especially if you grew up with that pet.)

"Kiyo..." Maya says, dropping down to her knees and hugging me tightly as she cries heavily. Hugging her back, I rest my chin on the top of her head. "We need to look for Atsu," I say seriously with a scowl, looking up at my parents. "I want to kill whoever took him and killed Lapis," I add venomously, my jaw clenched.

Hearing faint whining, I look over at Jewels and let more tears stream down my face. Rei pets her, kissing her cheek in a comforting manner. Semi and Shirabu run inside, both of them flinching back at the sight of the dogs.

"W-Where's Atsumu?!" Osamu asks hastily, looking around. "WHERE IS HE!?"

"Someone took him..." I mutter, staring at the wall with a lifeless look to me. Standing up, I walk over to a locked closet and open it, grabbing a pistol and loading it. Placing it behind me, I slam the door shut and walk out of the house with narrowed eyes, everyone watching me as I slide into my car and start it up. Grabbing my phone, I press on Kenma's contact.

After a few rings, he answers. "I'm on my way with the others, we got the notification that he sent out his locat-"

"I need you to find him. He's gone and the guy who took him killed Lapis! Not to mention hurt Jewels. You have access to my security cameras, if you haven't left your house yet, check." I order, revving the engine a bit before reversing out of the driveway and speeding off.

"Okay, I'm on it. Heading back to my place with Kuroo. Meet you there?" He asks.

"Yes." I then end the call and make my way over to Kenma's house.

After 10-15 minutes, I pull up into his driveway and park beside Kenma's white Range Rover and Kuroo's black Ford Mustang Shelby GT500. Stepping out, I rush inside and jog over to Kenma's bedroom where he has his computer set up. Walking inside, Kuroo looks over at me with a frown, his arms crossed.

"It was Kita." He says. "He took off his mask when he was exiting the house, dragging Atsumu with him. Some guy in a black off-road van grabbed him by his neck and pulled him inside before they drove off. Kenma is checking the license plate.

"It's fake..." The bronde mumbles, laying back in his gaming chair. "I can't trace it."

"Then hack into the cameras at traffic lights," I order.

"Yes, boss," Kenma says, typing away on his computer.

After a few moments, he presses enter and the cameras from traffic lights pop up on the monitor to his right. "Okay... they took a right... then traveled straight for two blocks, made another right into the canyon... FUCK! It stops there." He complains, running his hands through his hair in a stressed manner.

"Check for any warehouses in the area," I demand.

"He's not that stupid, Sakusa," Kuroo states, making me glare at him. "Shutting up." He says, putting his hands up in surrender.

"There's no harm in checking, Kuro," Kenma says, typing away on his keyboard quickly. After another few moments, he presses enter and a dark map pops up with circles surrounding certain areas in the town miles away from here. "Let me go call the others and we'll go with you to track him down just in case he is stupid enough to go to one of these."

Now we're on our way to that town and my friends are following in the cars behind me. My heart keeps breaking every time I think about Lapis and Jewels, and what could be happening to my love.

I shouldn't have left him alone... I was angry but that didn't give me the right to leave him alone. And now he's suffering because of me, and who knows what could be happening to him right now. If Kita lands one finger on him... God so help me I will slit his fucking throat and smile at the blood pouring down his neck while he's still alive. But this is far from over. He's smart, extremely smart.

After 40 minutes, we arrive at one of three warehouses. Parking in front of it, we all step down and meet up in front of my car. Pulling my pistol from my back, I check to see if the bullets are still intact.

"Bokuto, Kuroo, you two go in first," I order, Akaashi grabbing Bokuto's arm with a pleading look on his face.

"Don't worry baby owl, I'll be fine." The owl says, pressing a gentle kiss on the ravenette's forehead. Kuroo does the same to Kenma, reassuring him that he'll be back. After that's done, they head inside.

A few minutes pass before they walk back out, shaking their head before handing me a piece of paper. Frowning, I grab it and scan over the contents.

'We knew you'd come looking for your beloved, but he's nowhere to be found. We skipped the country. Ditched the car somewhere and stole another one before heading to the only airport in town. We booked a flight someplace you'll never think of. This is what happens when you betray me. You suffer the consequences. And don't bother asking the manager where we went, we paid him a million to keep quiet. So just give up, you're never going to see your fiance or your unborn baby ever again. I'm not sorry that I killed your dog, she had it coming when she bit me. Forever yours, Kita~'

"BITCH!" I shout, kicking my car. Everyone frowns, staring at the ground, all except for Osamu.

"We can't give up. You're the Mafia, Sakusa. Own that fact. No one dares mess with you because they pay the price. So don't stop looking for him! He's your love, isn't he? Yes, you made a mistake and he's suffering because of it, but don't give up." He says, staring directly at me.

"As if I was going to give up. All of you are behind me, aren't you?" I ask, looking at everyone who nods. "I'll call Wakatoshi and ask if he can come down to help us. But for now... let's fucking hope Atsumu is okay until then. But, Shirabu, Semi, go threaten the manager at the airport and make him tell you where they went." I order, the two nodding in response. "Bokuto, Akaashi, go with them. Osamu, Suna, Iwaizumi, and Oikawa stay with me. Kenma and Kuroo, see what you can find about where they went if the other four can't find out where they are."

I'm coming for you, Atsumu... Just wait for me. 

𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz