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[ A t s u m u]

It's been a couple of months and I'm starting to show...

Kiyoomi's friends apologized to me sincerely and now they're also my friends. Oikawa has been a bit... protective of me, and so has Kiyoomi, so it's almost like a constant rivalry between them.

"Would you two stop it? I'm tired of this best friend vs boyfriend bullshit." I whine, narrowing my eyes at the two who stare at each other coldly.

"Fiance, Atsumu. Fiance." Kiyoomi states, looking at me which causes Oikawa to smirk before thinking fast and throwing a pillow at him. "YOU BITCH!" The curly-haired raven shouts, standing up as my best friend cackles and runs away with my fiance following close behind. "GET BACK HERE!"

"Jesus, they're like children fighting over the same toy," Shirabu states with a subtle laugh.

Watching Kiyoomi chase the brunette, he tackles him to the ground and turns him around so he's laying on his back. "Ouu, kinky," Oikawa says, Shirabu bursting out laughing. I cover my mouth to keep myself from laughing but it doesn't work. Kiyoomi grimaces and hastily gets off of Oikawa before the brunette's boyfriend walks over and helps him up.

"Not funny. That was gross-" Kiyoomi says with a shiver.

"Then why'd you tackle him?" I ask with a smug look on my face.

"Because he threw a fucking pillow at me, that's why." The raven states coldly, sitting beside me. Shirabu is sitting on Semi's lap right beside him. (Pls- SemiShira T~T)

"You guys are so cute!" I whine, staring at how Semi nuzzles into Shirabu's neck, his arms wrapped tightly around the shorter's waist.

"Heh, thanks. He's very possessive of me, not liking when I'm hanging with anyone who isn't him. He uh..." Shirabu drowns out, Semi frowning up at him while shaking his head. "Eita only started dating me because he was dared to date the nerd. And that nerd was me. I found out by overhearing him talking to his friends, asking for them to pay up because he and I did it. The next time he saw me was at lunch – this was in high school – and he looked happy to see me, but I dumped my drink on him."

"Wow... How'd you guys get back together?" I ask, Semi groaning and tossing his head back in annoyance.

"When prom came around, I went with my two friends who were dating each other, and he showed up. He was one of the popular guys and he got elected prom king... His new girlfriend was the prom queen and um... instead of going to the stage, he went to me instead asking for forgiveness and that he never meant to hurt me because he truly did fall for me. I started crying and he grabbed my face to wipe the tears away. My friends were smiling like complete idiots at this. Needless to say, he cheated on his girlfriend with me by kissing me. I didn't completely forgive him and the next day he proved that he really did like me by taking me someplace that he usually goes alone, not ever bringing his partners along."

"Awwe, that's cute," Oikawa says.

"Yeah... we've been together ever since. I doubt his love for me sometimes and he ends up proving that he still loves me by taking me to my favorite places and doing things I love doing, some of them he hates but he does them for me."

"And this idiot still continues to doubt my love for you," Semi complains, slapping his boyfriend gently upside the head.

"I'm the same way, but Omi doesn't do anything like that to me," I say quietly, my fiance staring at me with a deadpan look on his face. "What..?"

"Nothing." He states coldly, standing up and walking away. Jewels and Lapis whimper, jumping onto the couch beside me to comfort me. Jewels lays her head on my lap, growling at Oikawa who stares at her.

"Bitch." He says bluntly.

"Hey, don't call her a bitch-" I mumble, petting her gently.

Jewels and Lapis have also been protective. They know I'm pregnant and they growl and bark at anyone who isn't Kiyoomi that comes near me.

Walking upstairs with the dogs following me, I open the door to Kiyoomi's room and step inside cautiously. "Omi..?" I say quietly, looking around until I find him staring out the window with his arms crossed. Jewels and Lapis growl loudly, sensing something off about him.

"Get out of here Atsumu. I'm sure my family told you about my explosive anger problems. So get out of here before I do something I'll regret." The man orders, venom in his tone.

Gulping, I speak. "W-What did I do..?" I ask shakily.

"You know very well what you did... Or should I say... SAID." He turns around, staring at me with his cold black eyes. He walks toward me as I back up. "You said that I don't make up for it when you doubt my love for you. I do EVERYTHING I can to make it up to you, but apparently, nothing I do is good enough for you!" He shouts, Lapis and Jewels getting into a protective stance.

"I-I'm sorry..." I mumble, easter forming in my eyes.

"Are you? Are you sorry?" He asks, taking more steps toward me. Before I can comprehend it, he slaps me. I slap my hand over my mouth and let out a soft cry before whipping around and running out of the bedroom downstairs.

"O-Oikawa! Take me someplace else!" I cry out, running to him as the dogs follow. I breathe quickly and heavily, clutching onto my shirt just over my chest. Falling to my knees, I breathe through my mouth and feel my lungs become dry.

"Atsumu, relax. W-What did he do?" The brunette asks, everyone looking at me worriedly.

"He s-slapped me!" I cry, beginning to hyperventilate. Semi and Iwaizumi stand up with Rei and rush upstairs. Shirabu walks over and sits on his knees, holding me tightly with Oikawa doing the same.

"You're okay... Just try to calm down..." Oikawa says softly, shushing me in a gentle manner.

"He won't hurt you again," Shirabu adds.

Everyone has left, including Kiyoomi. He said that he needed time to himself, so now I'm here alone with the dogs. Right now I'm on the couch watching a movie with the dogs sitting on either side of me.

Hearing a noise, the dogs' ears perk forward, beginning to growl as they lift their heads. Jumping down from the couch at the sound of the door being broken down, they run toward the noise as I shoot up and grab my phone, sending my location to everyone as an emergency. (Idk if that's a thing or not.)

My heart shatters at a loud yelp coming from one of the dogs. Running around the corner, I'm petrified to see someone sinking their knife into Lapis' stomach. She struggles, whining loudly as tears well in my eyes.

"HEY! DEAL WITH ME! NOT THEM!" I shout as Jewels gets thrown into the wall, passing out immediately.

Running up the stairs with the man in a mask following, I shut the bedroom door and back up against it. I scream and cry at the person attempting to kick the door down. Once he succeeds in doing so, I quickly run to the corner, the man removing his mask and smiling sadistically at me.


"Come with me or I'll kill Jewels too." He says with a smile. Frowning as the tears stream down my face, he speaks again. "And I won't kill your baby either."

Gulping, I stand up shakily and he walks over to me to grab my wrist tightly, pulling me out of the house. Passing Lapis and Jewels, I let out a sob at the blood pouring from Lapis' stomach. Kita pulls me toward a black off-road van as a man opens the door and grabs me by the neck, pulling me inside.

"Knock him out." Kita orders, the other man grabbing a cloth and putting it over my mouth. After a few breaths, everything goes black...

𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ