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A/N: Don't worry, things will go back to normal soon. This was just a side plot to help make the story a bit longer. I want this to be my longest story chapter-wise and possibly longer than Mafia's Boyfriend time-wise. That story ended up being 3 hours and 30 minutes long.

[ A t s u m u ]

Kiyoomi lays beside me, his arms around me tightly as he runs his fingers through my hair in a gentle manner. My surgery is in an hour, so I'm spending as much time as I can with him. After I recover a bit afterward, we're going back home. Words can't describe how excited I am to go back to the states.

This fucking tumor, it ruined this trip for everyone... I feel like a burden because of it. I've told Kiyoomi about it and he keeps reassuring me that I'm not a burden. Normally, I wouldn't tell anyone about how I feel because I'm scared that they might leave me because of it, but I feel different with him. He makes me feel as though I can be more open about myself and that I can ask for help when I need it. He warned me saying that if I'm not honest with him, it'll put a dent in our relationship because it'll seem like I don't trust him.

I trust him with my life. If he put a gun to my head, I wouldn't beg for mercy, I'd take the bullet if it meant keeping him happy. I'm already unhappy, so I guess he'd be doing me a favor. But If he knew that I feel that way, he'd pamper me till I get it embedded in my skull that I'm worthy.

Yawning, I dig my face into the crook of Kiyoomi's neck and close my eyes. "You need to stay awake, baby. Your surgery is in less than an hour." He says softly.

"But the way you're running your hand through my hair is making me sleepy..." I mumble, his mom chuckling.

"He's right, dear. Your father does that to me all the time and I will tell you now, it's a natural sleep aid." She says, smiling brightly. "But you two should probably part ways before the nurse comes in." She adds, Kiyoomi sighing and sliding out of bed. I whine, reaching for him. He turns around and grabs my hand, caressing it.

"Don't worry, once you wake up I'll be here to cuddle with you." He says softly, leaning forward and kissing me gingerly on the forehead.

"You two really remind me of me and Kazuya. He actually... heh, he doesn't like me talking about it because he feels horrible. But believe it or not, he hated me at first, that same way you hated Atsumu. Sorry to say that, but it's true. He gradually got to know me and ended up falling hard, and I mean hard. He went to great lengths to keep me safe and made sure that I felt loved by him." Hina says, smiling to herself.

"What do you mean by "went to great lengths to keep me safe"?" I ask with a frown, Kiyoomi gulping and glancing at his mom who shakes her head subtly to the point it's almost unnoticeable.

"Don't worry about it." She says, smiling.

Just as she says that, the nurse walks in. "Are you ready?" She asks, standing at the front edge of my hospital bed. Inhaling deeply, I nod. "We'll go ahead and have you fall asleep in here next to your lover so you'll be more at ease." She adds, walking around to insert an anesthetic into the IV.

My heart rate quickens out of pure anxiety, the nurse notices. "Please comfort him." She says, looking to Kiyoomi. He nods and grabs my hand, bringing his hand up to cup my face. I lean into the touch, tears welling in my eyes.

"I love you..." I mumble, the man wiping away the tears.

"I love you too." He responds with a smile, watching as my eyelids become heavy. A single tear skids down my cheek as everything suddenly becomes dark.

[ S a k u s a ]

Pacing around the room, my mom watches worriedly. "He'll be fine, nothing is going to go wrong." She says softly. I was so confident earlier, now I'm a panicking mess. It's almost over, and with every minute that passes I get more and more anxious to see him. "Heh, you're acting like your father when I was in labor." The woman adds, snickering.

"Oh god, if he somehow got pregnant, I would be even more nervous," I mumble, running my hand through my hair. I then smile to myself, a cute thought coming to mind.

"Tell me what you're thinking while your father isn't here." She orders with a smirk.


"Tell me."


"Kiyoomi Sakusa."

"You can use my full name all you want, it's not gonna scare me into telling you."

"I'll show Atsumu your baby pictures."


"What?" She cackles, wiping away a tear of laughter. "Tell me or I WILL show him your cute baby booty pics." My face falls beet red in embarrassment at this, the woman laughing uncontrollably. She fans herself, trying to contain her laughter but it ain't working.

My dad walks in with a smug face, the woman laughing harder because she knows he heard what she said.

"Yeah, tell her before he sees your baby pictures." He says with a smug smile, sitting down beside her. I scowl at the two, shaking my head. "Calm down, Hina." He orders, smiling at his wife who slowly calms herself.

"Oh lord, your face was priceless." She says, carefully wiping underneath her eye so she doesn't mess up her makeup. I roll my eyes, walking over to the window and looking out at the city. "Back to serious business, he's completely fine. I'm sure they'd tell us if something was going wrong."

"She's right, son." My dad adds.

"Whatever," I mutter, sitting down and crossing my arms with my knees apart. Closing my eyes, I clear my throat and slowly drift off into the world of slumber.

"Omi..." Someone says, a frown crossing my features as I open my eyes slowly and stretch. My eyes fly wide open at Atsumu looking at me with worried eyes. My parents are gone. They probably left to go eat or something.

Shooting up from my seat, I rush to his side and grab his hand. "I woke up." He says in a whisper, his voice slightly raspy.

"I told you," I respond, kissing his forehead gingerly.

"Are we going home soon..?" He asks, earning a nod from me. "When?"

"In a few days, once you've recovered a bit and the doctor gives us the go-ahead." He hums in response, closing his eyes and yawning. Pulling up the chair, I sit beside his bed and hold onto his hand while looking at his tired features. In every state he's in, he's still beautiful. He will never not be beautiful to me.

"Lovely to see that both of you are awake." My mom says softly, walking into the room with my dad in tow.

"Still extremely tired," Atsumu says with a nervous chuckle.

"Go ahead and go back to sleep," I mumble, the faux blonde turning his head to look at me. He shakes his head, making me frown. "Why not?" I ask.

"Because I like looking at your pretty face." He speaks in a soft and quiet voice, my face turning red in response. "Heh, gotcha." He adds with a big tired smile. It makes me happy knowing that he's still the same Atsumu.

I feel so much better knowing that he's going to be okay and that he's going to live a long and happy life. I don't have to hide what I am anymore either. All of that stress can go fly out the window for all I care. I needed that relief of knowing that he knows and accepts me and my family for what we are. 

𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now