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A/N: I HAVE FINALLY GRADUATED! And this means I can write without my mom pestering me 24/7. Man, I'm going to miss my teachers... And I apologize for how rushed the beginning of the chapter is. I was impatiently waiting to get to SakuAtsu, so like ;-;

[ A t s u m u ]

Scowling at Kita, I inhale deeply and exhale in an attempt to control the cramps. He's driving me someplace but won't tell me where we're going. I mean, what else did I expect? Of course, he's not going to tell me. I have a feeling that something is going to happen, though, and I think Kiyoomi will have something to do with it.

Staring out the window, I run my hand up and down my belly. We've been on the road for what feels like hours. But supposedly we're going to meet up with Aran at an abandoned warehouse. I feel as though we're nearing our destination.

A few minutes pass and we enter an abandoned building, nothing but rusted metal walls surrounding the place. Broken lighting dangles from the ceiling.

"Get out of the car. And if you think of escaping, you'll meet this beauty." Kita says, pulling a sharp knife from the glove box and showing it off. I gulp, trembling as I slowly step down from the car. He grabs my arm and drags me forward.

"I'd drop him if I were you." A familiar voice says, snapping my attention up from the floor. Staring forward, I let out a soft cry at the sight of my fiance standing with a whole load of people behind him. The thing is... he has someone else in his grasp... Aran.

"A-Aran..?" Kita stutters, pulling me in front of him.

Kiyoomi holds a gun to the man's head, ready to blow his head off.

"Give me my fiance and I'll let him go," Kiyoomi states, narrowing his eyes at Kita who cries silently.

"N-NEVER!" He shouts, knowing damn well what he just did. He slaps his free hand over his mouth and looks away as Kiyoomi shoots Aran in the head. "I'm sorry..." He whispers, his body trembling violently. He quickly collects himself and smirks through tears, staring at Kiyoomi before pulling the knife from behind him and stabbing me in the side. Screaming, I drop to the floor and hold my side as Kita runs back into his car and speeds off. Kiyoomi and his friends run over, the curly-haired raven sliding to his knees.

"Baby?" He says hastily, grabbing my face and looking me in the eyes.

"Omi... I-It hurts.." I mumble, Oikawa and Shirabu applying pressure to the wound. The knife is still intact, and they can't remove it until they get me to the hospital.

"Don't worry, love, you're going to be okay..." He whispers, pushing my hair out of the way of my face. "Osamu, call the-"

"Already on it." My brother says shakily, pulling out his phone to call someone.

I can rest, I can finally relax. Ever since I was taken, I've gotten little to no sleep, and even though I'm in immense pain, I can rest. But I doubt anyone wants me to close my eyes. It's hard to keep them open, though.

"Don't close those eyes, don't you dare close those eyes!" Kiyoomi demands, holding my face in his hands while tears stream down his cheeks. "Baby, please stay awake!" He begs.

"J-Just let me rest..." I mumble.

"No!" He cries, watching as I slowly close my eyes. My body relaxes and everything goes black.

Fluttering my eyes open, I wince with a sharp hiss and groan. Sitting up, I'm immediately pushed back down by gentle hands. "Take it easy, Atsumu." The woman says, and right then I realize that it's Kiyoomi's mom. "Kiyoomi is discussing something with Kazuya, he'll be back shortly. But for now, you need to rest and stay laying down." She states sternly.

"W-What happened?" I ask shakily, looking around. This is a hospital room...

"You were stabbed by Kita." She says quietly, my eyes shooting wide open as I stare at her.

"M-My baby! Is he okay?!" I ask, tears welling in my eyes.

"He's fine, the knife didn't hurt him or any of your vital organs. It grazed your liver, but that's it. Nothing serious." She says softly, smiling at me gently. "You've been out for a day and a half because of the stress you've endured over the past few days. We were able to transfer you back to the states while you were out..."

"Wait- are Lapis and Jewels okay?" The sudden memory of Lapis getting stabbed and Jewels getting thrown into the wall comes in flashes, making me frown. The woman shuts her eyes tightly, battling the tears that well in her eyes as she sniffles and crosses her legs.

"Lapis passed away. She bled to death, but Jewels is doing fine so far. A few broken bones but otherwise doing okay."

I stay dead silent, staring at the wall as tears stream down my face. "It's my fault..." I mumble, confusing the woman.

"What? No, it isn't. She was protecting you, she sacrificed herself to save you even though she didn't succeed. That's how loyal dogs are, they will risk their lives to keep their humans safe. And with your pregnancy, they were hypervigilant. Hell, they even protected you from Kiyoomi, which was honestly pretty funny. But yeah... she did what was right, but ended up suffering." Hina says softly, smiling at me gently. "Kiyoomi took her death hard, he sat next to her for a good 5 minutes even though she was already gone."

"I want to see him, I want to see Omi."

"He'll be back in a few, just be patient."

Watching the TV in the corner, I perk up at the sound of someone entering the room. Looking over, I smile weakly at my fiance who rushes over to me. "Atsu..." He whispers, grabbing my face and kissing me hastily with tears running down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry!"

"You have nothing to be sorry for..."

"Yes, I do. I left you alone and I took my sweet ass time to save you. With you being kidnapped and Lapis dying, I was overwhelmed with grief." He chokes out, breathing heavily with his eyes squinted, brows furrowed, and chin quivering. "I'm sorry for not getting to you sooner..." He whispers, laying his forehead on my chest and crying silently.

I've never seen him so vulnerable... It breaks my heart knowing that he's in this much pain because of me.

"It's okay. I'm okay, the baby is okay... we're okay." I say softly, smiling at the man weakly. He then pulls away from me slowly with a frown, placing his hand on my forehead as I start sweating and breathing heavily through my mouth. To be honest, I don't feel too good right now, and I'm actually freezing to the point I'm shaking.

"You're burning up..." He whispers, a look of worry crossing his features. He then rushes off out of the room, leaving me confused. After a few moments, he runs back inside with a couple of nurses following him.

"Check the wound." The woman demands, helping me roll onto my side while the other woman gently removes the bandage. The brunette holding me on my side peeks over, a look of horror crossing her features. "It's infected. We need to treat this before it has a chance to get to the baby."

"Oh god-" Kiyoomi mumbles, running his hand through his hair in a stressed manner.

I don't have the strength to respond, I'm just too tired to even think about it, not to mention I feel absolutely shitty.

"Tell me he's going to be okay!" Kiyoomi demands, one of the nurses using a thermometer on my forehead. He peeks over at the numbers, gulping. "102..." He mumbles, snapping his attention over to me.

"Just believe everything is going to be alright, Omi," I say softly, smiling.

"How can I believe that?" He asks coldly, balling his fists up.

"I'm sorry sir, but you need to leave. We'll take good care of him, I can promise you that. He will be okay in the long run, so try not to think of the worst outcome." The nurse with blonde hair says softly, pushing him out of the room. "He and the baby will be okay." She adds, the curly-haired raven looking at me one last time before walking away. 

𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now