Chapter five

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Jessamyn's pov

In the middle of the morning, I decided to go on a job hunt walking around nearly ten miles away from campus to check if there were any signs of shops, restaurants and cafes places that had a poster on their door wanting to hire more people wasn't my first time of waiting tables I have done it at my uncle's restaurant four years ago, I used to help out working there now I wandered towards all of the open local businesses in this area along with Natalia including Rochelle did not have any morning lectures today too.

To be fair, I could truthfully use a job to help me keep my mind off of the ice rink as this searching for a while now to find a job for me and then we all pretty much felt hungry from not eating breakfast this morning so we took a hiatus from looking for a job until we ended up walking into a cafe to buy brunch when Natalia my dark curly long hair, light brown skin color, supportive friends, amazing at giving me advice, strong-willed and determine friend has offered to pay for my order of a pumpkin spice latte with a Danish pastry. We were going to need all of the energy that we were going to get from this because I didn't plan to fall asleep during my important lectures. Then I heard Rochelle talking about how this place was hiring people to work here.

"Look at what the cliff cafe had put up on their noticeboard." Rochelle pointed out to me.

A brown-haired boy walked into the cafe who looked to be around the same age range as me came up to the cafe counter to order his hot drink he look fairly attractive to me however, my mind was more focused on pulling one of the numbers from the poster asked for wanted help politely excusing myself from the table to write down the number on a piece of paper napkin. employment was all on my mind right now but I was so happy that I don't get to hear the words again and Jessa in the same sentence because I've been working my butt off so hard to get where I used to be yet here I was sitting in a warm and fuzzy cafe dined a pastry delight to be fair I should be grateful that I don't have worse luck than this.

Furthermore, we were distinctively chatting amongst ourselves whereas I was wondering if I could take up other sports even though ice skating was the wind beneath my feathery wings that made me feel invisible strong enough to face the world and now that was being stolen from me. I was starting with my plan A backup plan if figure skating doesn't work out for me but I want to focus on the positive side of things learning that I was more than my career

"Speaking of jobs. I don't know why you didn't say yes to helping train our varsity hockey players." Natalia raised an eyebrow in my direction and then carried on to say "I don't know what past opportunity is preventing you from accepting the job but remember you're stronger than that." she said to me.

Our campus was just a couple of minutes away from here and we decided to walk back to the university grounds something about saving the planet or none of us owed a car so I decided to divert the topic to something else because anytime someone mentioned the past I feel like I have this sick feeling in my stomach that makes me want to vomit as the winter winds blow breeze in the air all around giving me a gentle reminder that I wasn't on the ice rink rather than just simply breathing hating the same old scar which makes me feel less than perfect.

"Because it is completely complicated right now." I said as an excuse to Natalia.

As we discussed other things like who was throwing the biggest rager of a party next week Friday at the hockey team house maybe drinking my sorrow would be great for me now but not in the long run as my first resort I would just eat loads of chocolate in my room while singing and dancing as the music played through my light blue headphones except for the fact that I was no longer at home. I just go for long periods of walks or run in my sports clothes outside the campus to help me clear my mind and sometimes help me stay in an optimistic mindset that comes from the good endorphins too.

Lucky Charm|Rockwell series #1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora