Chapter Thirty-five

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Jessamyn's pov 

The art gallery was today in our university theater as all different types of talented creative people who were in preparation for rehearsal of their act on stage before the lights went on the stage but where we were in the ice rink just him and I while all of our friends were waiting for the talent renditions to commence. We went to the Ice rink to Ice skate holding onto each hand and he paid someone to hold the camera onto us skating with money until my friends came running over to us to tell us something important right now.

"Jessa, Asher. You two won't believe what happened?" Wyatt said in disbelief to us.

Right after we were skated straight to the stands watching the video that Avena played on her phone showed how much someone else had paid for each painting as my painting goes up to sales price sooner rather than later Mason bought my painting for Asher and then after a couple of minutes a random person bought Natalia painting whilst everyone was trying to figure out who did it. In the meantime we have to get back to the theatre room to watch Rochelle's performance at the end of this university auction to improve our experience here.

We all rushed through the halls to see our friend Rochelle who was a great singer standing on the stage as we watched cheering her on, holding up banners to support her in the audience. The audience loved her adoration completely. During the end she hits a few high notes and always knew that my best friend was talented even when the crowd started standing ovation for her. Afterwards everyone else was taking their lunch break so we waited for the judges' final results to arrive.

"Mason, wow, she has got a singing voice like an angel."said mason in pure amazement.

Moreover, all of us agreed that our brunette hair friend might have a chance of winning this competition now the break was over as everyone else was eager to hear the good news when the crowd started cheering Rochelle's name in a huge chant whilst our fingers were crossed in hope that she would succeed in this competition because we been to all of her rehearsals since the judges scored every single person a score yet she was the only one who did not have a score by the Judges.

And for a split second i turned around to face Tristan Hyde her boyfriend standing there talking to another girl when i saw a tear in her teary eyes before i could even get to her but somehow Mason beat me to it saying that he should at least try to show that he was in a committed relationship with her because they both were arguing over something in distinctive chatters.

They walked out of the room to discuss their arguments and not to ruin her moment of winning.

"I know right but I know she will smash the competition."I told him.

The judges scored her the highest points as we all waited in anticipation instantly knowing that she was going to win and then the judges announced she was the winner of the competition which made us all start cheering for her happily after she finished accepting her prize she had already been given a trophy. Nobody knew what to expect when she came walking towards us as we all hugged her to congratulate her on the win so we all knew what was happening but we didn't think it would be easy to tell her anything about it because she had loved for a while now.

"Believe you ate the competition while looking like a complete snack."said Natalia in absolute confidence.

A simple question came to mind after she had been asked about whereabouts of Mason and Tristan earlier she was singing New Year's Day by Taylor Swift how they met each other on that date 1st January next I thought it might make sense and anyway, I wanted to be there for Rochelle because she was like a sister to me who was too beautiful for her own good but she needed to know that she was worthy of being loved by many people.

Therefore, I gave her the biggest hug letting her know how much she means to me since she was my number one supporter who knew me better than myself including anyone else even though we might not be bound together by blood yet she was one of the greatest part of my chosen family.

"If you were a snack Natalia, then you would be the saltiest of snacks."said Holden.

I whispered softly something in my boyfriend's ear which I quickly excused from my roommate Rochelle and I both from the others once she had collected her trophy from the judges table to keep it with her. We all had different dreams whether it was becoming singers, a scientist, artist, photographer, professional hockey players etc.

"I'm not even going to dignify your insult or whatever it was with a comment." Replied Natalia with a laugh.

Afterwards, the university talent show/ art gallery closed we all went looking for Mason who was the most calmest one out of the hockey boys didn't throw the first punch but Rochelle's boyfriend did until all the hockey boys came to Mason defence to help him out in the fight even though i don't watching them however, i was not against them protecting one of my friends especial when she needed people to start fighting in her corner for her because she doesn't even know how flipping amazing she was to all of us with a heart of gold and like the moon she often goes by unnoticed by others people just like the moon who shine at night only illuminating us all shining brightly as the biggest stars in the galaxy.

Rochelle's pov

I mouthed a small thank to my girls who had tried to distracted by talking me to a gelato place to buy me a tiramisu and salted caramel ice cream with small dash of stars sprinkles that was twenty minutes from here as result Natalia stole her enemy Holden car because we all decided against cycling on the local bicycle down the street as we took his car on a joy ride. Next we were going to the beach giving me sweater weather or summer sadness vibes while we were singing out loud with the window rolled half down as the wind breeze gently began to blow my hair.

This was such a euphoric moment! I thought to myself screw men or boys because i was going through a phrase of cutting my hair mid-length short red tips at the end, i had been the archer for too long not knowing who would stay or leave forever up until this moment i realised that my closest friend Jessa was my closest person that was a sister to me who always seemed to know what i was feeling or thinking in my mind.

For so long I have been holding back who I was all for my ex-boyfriend until now. Tristan, my ex when from the person who i know to people I don't know.

"Just wanna you girls to know that you are all the closest people who are like sisters to me since i am the only child. Love you girls." I told them.

We all hugged each other as they said in unison " we love you, Rochelle no matter what happens. Rockwell U girls forever!"

Natalia also encouraged me to write a diss-track song about my ex-boyfriend.

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