Chapter twenty eight

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Jessamyn's pov

At twelve-thirty in the afternoon, we went to the school music studio room to visit Rochelle singing Adele's song water underneath the bridge and Natiala halfway through cheering for her as we brought baked goods aka doughnuts because I was a woman of my word that I promise them that I will bring something to this meetup even if I had to shields the whole team hockey team from taking the doughnuts. In addition to this Avena and I bought two boxes of them while Charlie told the boys to buy hot drinks, for example, coffee, tea, and hot chocolates.

Natalia and I got an email from our art teacher informing us that our creative selective art class was canceled today due to the fact that we were prepared for the university's modern creativity classes where the painting would be sold, music students would be performing as well as dance class students. She also mentioned that our artwork would be up for sale since she knows two people who would be interested in buying our painting but she needed our permission to put it on display too.

"Who knew that you're that talented?"Holden asked Natalia.

She obviously assumed an irritation towards Holden's words which means that the two of them were already on their way to start arguing with each other even though they were bickering a lot more than I thought they would be doing now as Rochelle pick up a doughnut that got Holden's attention when he saw everyone else in this room was watching them during eating their doughnuts in peace. We got kicked out of the studio for being too loud and went to sit on the bench outside.

"And why are you here?"Natalia retorted to Holden.

Maybe I was watching too many enemies to lovers movies in my room yet they were the perfect textbook example of one right in front of me. I leaned my head on Asher's shoulder giving into a hug feeling safe in his arms around me even though at the same time I know she was stressed out due to how hard her degree was especially when it comes to being a woman who was one of five females in her class.

In the meantime Grayson and Wyatt we're having a conversation about the old hockey plays off that they had watched while i was relieve that the most hardest pain of our relationship was coming to end where we both been tested on our break yet neither one of us cheated or went behind the other ones back after the wasted time being at the midpoint of the first year of our degrees but we may be young and still navigating our life through the hectic storms of learning how to overcome our fears during this moment we were simply living our lives to the fullest.

"Who are you drawing?"I asked Holden.

Once their argument had died down i took a small peek behind Holden shoulders as it look like he was drawing some girl as he kept on smiling until he frown when he slowly remembered something and here was i wondering why he didnt joined our art class along with this i could that he had gotten a love spark in his eyes about someone who he had kept a secret to all of us however, anytime we tried to asked him to see it and then he wouldn't let us or he would say that it wasnt ready yet to be completed. Those hockey players that had slowly come to know as my friends actually had a heart of gold as i used to make  a joke about their teams names calling them Rocky Lion because they were all pretty much protective of us girls instead of calling them by their real team names Rocky Legend and somehow i would give the world for a lot of them to find happiness or get them a man best friend a dog.
Immediately, he hid it from the rest of us as well as changing the subject abruptly to something else.

"Someone that is special to me."Holden smiled softly and then continued to say "Our hockey captain Asher and you are really lucky to have found each other
The weather started to get really freezing seeing the snow again as the boys rushed out into the cold outdoors having another snow fight when  Natalia sat down watching us from the window drinking her hot chocolate whereas the rest of the girls except for me went to build a snowman or make snow angels in the snow as we heard the conversation between Holden, Avena and Him.

"Thank you mate but I'm lucky to have her to be my girlfriend."he said as he glanced over at me standing near the window watching them.

Everyone was running around outside playing in the snow while we were discussing with each other about how the boys were little kids at heart which we did find hilarious but lovable about them at the same time. Asher was my handsome hockey captain who believed in me and learned every single routine or choreograph just to win me back not caring about his reputation at all.

Those girls were like sisters to me you know as they keep on encouraging, rooting, giving me brilliant advice and being there for each other so I would definitely be the one who played matched makers for one or two of them including a certain mother hen of the group who supported us no matter what craziness we were doing anyway I believe that our friendship was the best.

"A little word of advice that my mom always told me. You could either run and hide from your true feelings or open up, to be honest about it."advised Avena as she looked at Wyatt before looking back down at the floor again.

The New romantic was what Avena and Rochelle band was named after one of our favorite song by Taylor swift who would also be performing in the talent show next year as they started rehearsal with Natiala sing with them while i would be their pianist for the instrumental version to the songs and then we see mason gesturing for us to join them outside from the window hearing him asked in his deep hoarse voice from a far.

Somewhere all my worries had left my mind as i started to joined their snowballs fight including making snow angels in the snow as we all took many pictures on our phones of how much fun we were having right now not thinking about any regrets that we were going have tomorrow morning but hopefully, none of us goes down with a cold although things might not alway had been what they seem to be nevertheless, he was the one certain choice that i had made for as long as i can remember while we were slow dancing in the snow and Nataila snapped many pictures from different angles on my phone camera for me to posted them online later.

"Why don't you two come  to join our game?" asked Mason.

On a frosty snow cover bench we drew our initials JB and AG in a heart shape during Grayson and Charlie who had pointed out that randomly I had similar initials to a famous superstar singer  Justin Bieber even if I was Lana Del Ray and Chase Atlantic fan. Rochelle loved listening to Harry styles and The Weekend, Avena listened to both Taylor swift, Gracie Abhrams and Selena Gomez then Natiala preferred to listen to Khaild, DUA Lipa, Cardi B, Beyonce, Rhianna etc. on the other hand, i could tell that everyone need this break away from their stresses about life, academic study and future careers goals along with our part time jobs for some of us who were paying our own rent.

"In a couple of seconds, we will join you guys!"Natalia and I said in sync.

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