Chapter twenty-four

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Jessamy's pov

Two thirty pm in the afternoon and I was working up the courage to tell my figure skating coach the truth about not being able to find many replacements as I continue to be skating in the ice rink after attending a philosophy class today because I need to be able to keep my grade up to be able to stay in the competition when all a sudden I saw him standing right in front of me a hundred mixture of blue roses and Jasmine flowers spelt out a question.

Will you be my girlfriend again and I would be your partner in everything?

The flashlight starts flickering on me while I looked around us and there were all of our friends including my figure skating coach and then I thought that he would hate me if I didn't tell him the whole reason why I break up with him was it of his dad threaten me to ruin my future career as well as stop funding his son.

"Wait before I agree to it." I sighed tiredly and then continued to speak out "if you must know why I break up with you because of your dad's threatening me basically calling me a cheap distraction, told me that he will kick you off his will also said that he would ruin my chance to get a skating career."

However, he didn't seem infuriated at me just telling him the whole reason why I was avoiding his calls, and text messages and seeing him in person as I pulled him into a hug once I was done spelling out the word yes. I agreed to be his girlfriend again as we move into the bleachers watching all of the hockey performances and their routine, I literally just laughed so much crying out in happy tears.

Not going to lie but it did seem pretty amazing yet funny because they all must have worked so hard on this routine like their lives depend on how the performance goes.

"As much as I love how unselfish you are, but my grandparents on my mom's side gave me a trust fund until I'm twenty-two and please next time tell me anything okay?" He told me understandably.

He joined his teammates on the ice rink to complete off their ice skating routine as much as I tried to bite back my smile I just couldn't stop beaming at how he had been planning all this to get me back not to mention I didn't know that the boys had it in them while the girls and I were practically cheering them on even Rochelle and Natalia thought it was very interesting to see our university hockey team dancing with so much passion not knowing that we recorded them dancing. If this was a dance competition dancing on ice then I was one thousand per cent certain that they would win and I have faith in some of them.

Furthermore, weeks without him were absolutely horrendous struggling to get the triple jump right until I realized that I needed to have confidence in myself and I was a strong girl who could face the world head-on with maximum determination to take me to places in life that I have never been to.

"Well, it looks like you two are back together again," said Charlie with a smile on her face.

Maybe my mum was right the stars would start to align with each other making everything completely in order in the world being a big hopeless romantic just like myself she was always correct believing that i born to figure skate but more importantly what Asher say to me that day when he found me crying in my bedroom floor actually resonated with me and somehow, i did found my strength to do what i love the most which was skating other than reading, listening to music, painting, watching movies and dancing in my share kitchen with Rochelle or making fresh pastries for example, banana bread as well as danish pastries too.

Legacies aren't born but made to become something great. Sometimes, I forgot that I put too much pressure on myself so I forget to eat since mason said that he won't joined in the dance with the boys this mean that he provide us with the goods aka my favorite snacks to help us watch this performance like it was a really good dance ice shows and the hockey team captain my boyfriend Asher does look so hot doing nearly done his finish dance as the spotlight were all on him now.

"Love is definitely in the air tonight." Rochelle stated to me.

The hockey team synergy was incredible just watching them and now I know why so many girls loved to them even their fans screaming whenever the crowds goes crazy during their games right now i had a real appreciation for all of them and then ate up this dance as my friends and I were enjoying our afternoon in the ice rink as soon as I heard one direction and Taylor swift song playing in the background including their choreography were simply great being in-sync with each other.
Therefore, I could tell how impressed their hockey coach and my skating coach were when they both saw the boys group skating routine looking really surprised that they were able to pull off such a hard routine being a proud teacher.

And then and there I instantly remembered how much I liked him in this moment when I was floating on clouds nine. He was my Atlanis buried so deep that none of us had spoken about the unspoken L words to one another. I couldn't stop smiling so much that my face began to hurt too much. Also right then was when I knew that I had made the correct choice which was being his girlfriend again.

"So, what did you think about our routine? Are we better than One Direction?"he asked me.

In a moment of absolutely lively atmosphere I was certain that he made my heart beat faster whenever I thought about him especially within the days that we had spend apart he wasn't messing about or anything but he pulled off a seven step plan just to get me back even if I was a little mad at him two days now it was all water underneath the bridge knowing that he had shown how much he really does care about me, misses me and how we were meant be to be together.

"I think you all could be the hockey equivalent to One Direction but I did love how you guys did all of that routine."I said truthfully to him.

Nobody else knows what to do with this amount of flowers so I gave a huge bundle of them out to all of my friends to have ones spreading the love around thanking them for always being there for me. Next, I gave some to my skating coach while keeping the rest by putting them in a base later in my room while I joined him to skate on the ice practising our own routine for my competition. The one he did promise me he would help me win for. We were both strong alone however, when we were together we were even stronger as his eyes were asking for my permission to kiss me upon him seeing me nodding my head and then suddenly he kissed me like he had missed me all his life.

What did surprise was their mini montage singing What Make You Beautiful by One direction as they were skating around the ice rink some of the girls watching the whole thing up from above the ice rink in the mini cafe cheering for them as the boys done a bow before changing out of their hockey uniform to wear their normal clothes.

"You should know how much they practice for this in comparison to then and now it was a really big improvement on their behalf. " backed Mason.

All this bromance was so adorable if their captain goes through something or one of the teammates did then it would affect the entire team in anything that they did as we all walked out of the door but my coach stop the two of us from leaving saying that she want to talk to us when everyone went out the exit while the boys continued to talked out how much effort their had put in this for all of us.

"Aww, I appreciate you bro."he said to Mason

Wyatt added happily "Same here." high fiving every single member of his team.

"I'm guessing that is a very strong bromance here," I said jokingly to Mason.

Meanwhile, my coach Helena called both of us back telling me that he was going to be my new replacement for the competition as she had filled me in about how my boyfriend Asher Beckett had been begging and he even swore an oath to my coach not to show my choreograph routine to someone else to avoid any other people from stealing it before she had helped him practice perfectly fine for the competition.

Later on, he drove me to my fourth home which was called the student's campus building where I share a room, a kitchen and a room with Rochelle but we have our own bathroom too. He gave me a good night kiss and shortly after, I walked into my room seeing Rochelle reading a murder mystery book as I went to sleep for the first time feeling satisfied with my life so far.

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