Chapter Thirteen

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Asher's pov

This morning she sent me a help sheet with all the information that would help me and then there was a mini quiz in her last email including a text by message saying she was going to hear back from her figure skating trainer today as we continue to facetime each other on the phone. Other than that I left the hockey house fifteen minutes later to attend training driving down and then making my way to the changing room to get dressed in Kleet, jersey and the full uniform soon heading into the ice rink.

"Get your head in the game, Lomoax!" shouted our hockey coach.

Passing the puck to Holden as I skated by Tristan to move forward on my skates to Wyatt to ask him the one question that was on my mind anytime she mentioned something about her red-haired green eyes Avena and my friend Wyatt to help her set them up.

"Wyatt, what do you think of the idea of two lifelong best friends dating a girl and a guy?"I asked Wyatt.

Jessamyn definitely owed me for doing this since she kept on bringing it up to me even making me secretly watch rom-com watch, then I decided to wait until next week to discuss her favorite books to read along with her nonetheless, the coach blew the whistle and holler at us to come over to him. I turned around to see her friends watching us, sadly she wasn't there to stand on the bleachers to notice even though I might not be a cupid or a love doctor because it doesn't take an expert to see what was going on between the two of them.

"I don't but it does depend on whether or not this said friend of yours feels the same way as you do about her."Wyatt paused to turn around to look at Avena and continue to say "in my case, if it was me then I said maybe when the time is right."

Half an hour later the coach's speech had finished, and we continued to practice hockey for a while but by the time practice was over I was still playing cupid for Wyatt and Avena because Burkey suggest that we should help them out a little more about how to set them up regardless of whether or not he was still waiting for the right time to shoot his shot then sometimes a little push in the right direction was needed for him to realize how much he feels about a certain red-haired girl who named started with an A.

In the meantime, my phone vibrates from a text message making me think it was Burkey aka my friend and figure skating partner until I saw that it was my dad messaging me to home in the holidays to the point where I only want to go home to visit my little brother Andreas a seven years old boy who filled with so many questions about life.

Dad: You should consider coming home for the holiday.

Me: why? So you can keep pestering me about what a disappointment I am? Or hit me again?

Dad: My fiancee wants to meet you both for dinner.

Me: fine but I'm bringing someone else with me too!

Meanwhile, I shoved my phone into my pocket, take my mouthguard out of my mouth walked through the door to get to the changing room in a sour mood after my conversation with my father on the phone and by then it was when I remembered the first time I saw or heard of a soul such as light as her own that glows beyond the darkness of night soon afterwards I remember seeing her smile for the first time while we were skating around in the ice rink taking an unseen picture of her being in her own element was watching something that was truly magnificent.

"You know for some reason I have always been suspicious that they are something that is clearly going on between you two," said Mason with a slightly knowing smirk at me.

I had a slight feeling that he was talking about Jessamyn and me for sure as soon as he saw me looking at my screensaver on my phone and at this point in time I decided that there was no point of denying my true feelings anymore because she made all my bad days seems to be worth it so what if I might have caught feeling for her since I already knew that those feelings won't be going anywhere else not anytime soon. Every single rule was meant to be broken whenever it comes to her which reminded me if my mom was still alive then my mom would have loved her.

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