
I hate this house. I wish I could live with Tina. I wish I could see her smile and hear her laugh. I wish I could kiss her goodnight and cuddle her when I feel lonely. She's my best friend and my life. If something happened to her, I'd never forgive myself or the world.

Why does he have to ruin everything? If it wasn't for him, we'd have a decent father, a healthy family and my sister would be okay. But no. He has to get angry. He has to hurt us. He has to hurt her.

I know he was the reason Tina had to go to the hospital. She made up some lie about slipping and falling into glass, but slipping and falling does not cause a shard of glass to get wedged in someone's eyebrow. She had to have surgery to take it out and the cuts and scars around her face make me want to cry. I started sneaking out to visit her at Kate's and to see my two adorable nieces. They love me and I love them. I'm a favourite.

It's the fact that I have to sneak out to see her. I'm not allowed out of the house, especially after a beating. So I don't leave when he's downstairs. I wait for him to go to the bathroom or to the store to get more drinks, like he needs those. And I won't come back until I know he's passed out. He only hurts me when he hears me move so as long as I'm quiet, I should be fine.

I hadn't planned on going to see Christina today because she told me she was coming over, which I'm nervous for. Her face has mostly healed, just a few scabs here and there, but I know all of that healing will be undone when she walks through the door.

I am sat on my bed, reading a book when I hear muffled voices downstairs. I'm assuming Christina is here as the the talking turns to shouting. And then cries of pain.

I close my book and silently make my way down the stairs, just in time to watch my dad pull out a gun and shoot my crying little brother Obediah, in the head.

My whole world stops.

Obediah lays lifeless on the couch and I watch as an already battered Christina try to get to him, crying in pain. But dad was too quick. He caught her by the hair and yanked her back to the floor, and then started hitting her head against the wooded floor until finally getting her into a choke hold. She can't breathe.

Tina caught my eyes and choked out something in Welsh.

"Call the police and get out."

Dad looked up and saw me retreating back up the stairs.

"What did you say to her? What did you say?!" I hear him scream, followed my more thuds and cries of pain.

Call the police and get out.

I decide to pocket my phone and climb out of the window. There has been a route created from when Tina and I used to escape to go behind the church. I move silently and efficiently. I make my way to Marley's house as I diall 911.

"911 what is your emergency."

"My name is Esther Rogerstone. I need the police and an ambulance to come to my house. My dad shot my little brother and he's hurting my sister." I cry as I knock on Marley's front door. Her dad, thank god. Her dad is ex-army and now a police officer.

"Okay, honey. I'm gonna need you to give me an address."

I give her my address and suddenly the front door to my house opens, allowing me to hear Christina's screams as she tries to claw her way out of the door. Marley's dad takes the hint and goes straight over. Defending Tina.

"What are your siblings' names?"

"Christina is my sister and Obediah is my brother."

"How old are your brother and sister, sweetie?" she asks as I wander into the house and set myself on the couch. Marley's mom appears from the kitchen with a confused look on her face.

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