
"Happy birthday, Christina!" Esther shouted as she ran into the house. She jumped on her older sister and hugged her tight.

"Thanks, Esther." Christina smiled as she held her sister. Christina was on her way out of the bedroom when Esther darted in and I was sat in the living room with Ruth and Zoey.

Marley came into the house with Brandy and sat down with us on the sofa, "Happy birthday, you two."

"Thanks, Auntie Marley!" the two replied and hugged her tightly.

"I've got the best gift for you two. You're gonna love it."

"It better not be an animal." I warn.

"It's not." Marley shook her head.

"Good." I say.

Esther still had Christina in her grip and they were still in a really tight hug. I could hear Esther sniffle and her breathing was shaky. I frowned at Christina who gave a look of confusion back. Marley got up and rubbed Esther's back.

"Babe, what's wrong?" she asked her girlfriend.

"It's just that I'm really happy that Christina is alive and doing so great. But I can't help but think about all those birthdays she when we were younger. They were not good birthdays." she sobbed.

"Yeah, but I had a good birthday last year, and the year before. That's a start, right?" Christina assured her sister.

"I guess."

"And I'm positive that I'll have a good birthday today." she smiled as she pulled away from Esther, wiping her tears, "So stop the tears. Let's have some fun, yeah?"

"Okay." Esther nodded.

"Okay. Kate was just about to tell me her fun plans."

"Ah yes!" I say, "Come sit." I pat the space next to me for Tina to sit down. She did so and I watched as Brandy got into the sofa and cuddled into her. It was cute, "So, I know how you three monkeys love to climb..."

"Gasp." Ruth said and we all laughed.

"Gasp?" I laughed.

"Are you taking us rock climbing?!" Ruth asked, excitedly.

"Damn. You guessed it!" I say.

"We're going rock climbing!" Ruth celebrated.

"Yay!" Zoey joined her. I look over to Christina how practically vibrating with excitement.

"Yeah, you guys and Auntie Marley will be climbing up the walls while Auntie Esther and watch. Would that be nice?"

"So cool!" Zoey squealed.

"Wait! I need to give them their present first." Marley said.

"Okay!" Ruth chirped.

"I just need to nip to the car."

Marley left to go her car, and Esther went to. Presumably to get her gifts for the three. What I wasn't expecting was Esther to come back with a million bags and Marley with a giant box wrapped with blue paper.

"That's a big box, Auntie Marley!" Zoey gasped.

"This one is for all three of you." she said, putting it down on the living room floor.

"We'll save that one for last then." Christina said.

"Okay." Marley smiled.

They got to unwrapping their own presents and there were a lot of squeals, mainly from Christina and Zoey.

Tina got a new camera from Marley, which makes sense because she loves photography. And from Esther she got a plethora of teddies and soft blankets.

Ruth got a bunch of brain-enhancing items from Esther. Ruth likes to do puzzles and stuff. From Marley, she got a massive box of notebooks. Ruth likes to study and note down the stuff she learns in journals.

Zoey got a box of reading books from Esther. Christina and I will likely review the books for any mature content, as Zoey's reading age is much higher than the average but we don't want to expose her to sex, violence and gore just yet. From Marley, she got some cool fidgets and portable puzzle games.

Then it was time for the big one.

They made a joint effort in opening it and all gasped and squealed in delight when they was it. I couldn't work out what it was until Tina said, "It's a telescope!" with a massive smile.

Marley has been teaching Tina and the girls about Astronomy and they've been loving it. They've been on about going all these trips and buying all these things but just haven't gotten around to it yet because we're all so busy with the band and jobs and school. And now Marley has bought them all a telescope for home Astronomy.

"This is so cool!" Zoey said with wonder.

"Yeah, this is amazing!" Ruth added. The three trapped Marley in a hug as they all thanked her. She nearly choked to death, bless her, but she appreciated it anyway.


We were at the climbing centre. Esther and I were girl gossiping over our coffees while our women the kids scale the walls. I am starting to think I live in a house of monkeys. Everytime I looked over, I see the kids at the top of the boulders and Marley and Christina encouraging them.

The boulders were just the warm-up.

It was long until Christina and Marley started belaying for Ruth and Zoey. And I know that the two youngsters loved climbing.

"Mom! Look at me!" Zoey shouted across the centre.

"Wow!" I call back, "You're so high up!"

"I know!" she replied before Marley started lowering her.

This went on for a few hours and the girls were having the time of their life. Zoey said that she'd like to do this more often as a form of exercise whereas Ruth wishes to keep this as a fun-day-out kinda thing. Although, Ruth did mention that she wanted to do martial arts. So Christina and I will look into that for her.

All in all, my girls enjoyed their birthdays and at the end of it, when we're all in bed, ready to go to sleep. I cry. I cry because we're all growing up and that's scary.

Behind The ChurchOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora