
Everyone has moved in and settled. It's definatley a change to get used to, especially for Tina and Zoey, two people who need time to adjust to change.

Every morning, Esther bursts through the door and screams her greetings before jumping on us. It disrupts Tina and Zoey's morning routine because one, Esther didn't knock four times and she refuses to get up once she cuddles into Tina. They find irritating and quite frankly, so do I. But Esther is family and Tina won't hold a grudge against her. Maybe Zoey will, but Tina won't.

"Good morning!" my girlfriend's sister screams. I hear her feet run across the carpet and then the impact of her body on ours.

"Good morning, Esther." Tina groans.

"You good?"

"Yes. You're gonna have to get off for Zoey soon."


"Because you have stopped the morning ritual and she's getting grumpy."

"Oh, my bad. I didn't know."

"It's fine. And you forgot to knock four times."

"Damn, I'm really messing up. I'll go." Esther said. She got up and made her way to the door.

"Esther?" Tina called.

"Yeah?" she turned around.

"You I love you, right? I wasn't telling you off." Tina assured her.

"I love you, too. And I know. I can be too excited sometimes. I'll leave you be now." And with that she left and closed the door.

Four little knocks sound at the door and Zoey's little voice calls through, "Mama? Can we do our ritual?"

"Yes, Zoey. Get in here." Tina cheers.

Zoey opens the door and runs straight to Christina, who catches her and immediately starts to tickle her. I watch as they scrap on the bed, giggling as they do. They missed this and so did I.

Ruth pops her head in not long after, she sees that I'm awake and comes in for her morning cuddles.

"Hi, Mommy." she smiles at me. Her blue eyes staring lovingly into mine.

"Hi, Ruth. Did you sleep good?" I ask and give her a kiss on the nose.

"Yeah. I did. I had a dream where you and Mama got married. It was so nice." she tells me.


"Yeah. And you said to Mama that you wanted a baby, then you had a big baby bump! And then- and then the baby came out and they cried a lot but they stopped when you held them. Mam took the baby and gave them kisses and then I saw them and they smiled at me. They were so cute!"

"Babies are cute, aren't they?"

"Was I a cute baby?"

"The cutest."

"What about me, Mommy?" Zoey pouted.

"You two were the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. Ever." Tina said to the girls. She squeezed Zoey in a tight hug and gave her lots of kisses.

"But Mama! What if you have another baby with Mom?"

"Then I'd have three beautiful babies." Tina shrugged.

"What about me?" I pout.

"Sorry, sorry. Four beautiful babies." she corrects.

"Mommy is not a baby!" Ruth chuckles.

"Yes, I am. I'm Mama's baby."

"So, Mama gave birth to you?" Zoey questions.

"Not that kind of baby. I'm the kind of baby that Mama would marry."

"But that's weird!" Ruth states.

"What Mommy is trying to say is that she's a baby because I sometimes call her that. It's what couples do. They call each other 'baby' or 'babe'. It's called a pet name. It's because we take care of each other and are love in with one and another." Tina explains.

"Oh, so your not Mommy's Mama?"

"No, but she's my Dadd-" I'm interrupted by a hand over my mouth and a warning glare from my girlfriend.

"Go take your meds." Tina ordered. That's fair enough. My impulses are bad and often sexual. So no wonder why Tina would want me to medicate right now.

I chuckle to myself as I leave the room and head for the kitchen. Adrianna is there making coffees for quite literally, everyone.

"Morning." I greet her.

"Hi, how'd you sleep?"

Adrianna is definitely the Mom of the band. She's always making sure everyone eats and is hydrated. She hasn't let myself or Christina cook since she's been living here and she always makes an effort to make us all coffee and drinks in the morning. She's so sweet and I couldn't ask for a better co-guitarist.

"I slept great. How about yourself?" I smile, reaching for my medication box thingy. It has the days of the week and what meds I should take on that day. It's helpful.

"I slept great. Eden and Sarah are still asleep. They really like the beds." Adrianna chuckled. Eden is her girlfriend and Sarah is their fifteen year old daughter. She's sweet and a pleasure to be around.

"Tina personally tried out all of the mattresses so they are all the top quality." I inform the blonde woman.

"She would never dare have her house guests have an uncomfortable bed, not even the slightest bit too uncomfy. Only the best for us." Adrianna laughed.

I smile too, taking my meds with the coffee she had just made me.

"Are you gonna make breakfast or will I have to fend for myself?" I joke.

"Nah, I'll do it."

"I was joking, I got it."

"I said I'll do it." she playfully glares at me.

"Okay! You'll do it!" I throw my hands on the air to show surrender as I take mine and Christina's coffees back to our room.

"Babe, I have coffee." I call into the room, only to find no one in here. I put the cups down on the little desk we have in here and look in the bathroom. No one was in there.

"Babe?" I call into the hallway.

I see Esther coming from the second floor bathroom, I take her forearm in my hand, which let's her know I want her attention. I can be quite blunt sometimes.

"Have you seen Christina or the girls?" I ask.

"Uhh, no. Not since I came in this morning."

"Hmm." I hum to myself and leave to find my phone.

Tina picks up on the fourth ring and it sounds like she's in the car.

"Hey, you. What's up?" she chirps.

"Where are you? I didn't see you leave."

"I've just taken the girls to run some errands. We'll be back in a few."

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" I ask, kinda hurt.

"Oh, sorry, babe. I'll make sure I don't forget next time."

"Okay. Say hi to the girls for me-"

"Hi, Mommy!" the interrupt.

"Hey, kids. You be good for your Mama. Okay?"

"Okay! Bye, Mommy!"

And then the line went dead.

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