
"Kate, can I talk to you?" Adie asked while the gang was roaming around Seattle, my hometown, kinda. I was actually born in Ireland.

"Yeah, what's up?" I say as everyone walks out of ear shot.

"I'm pregnant." she beamed.

"Well, you are glowing." I chuckle a bit, "Does Ricky know?"

"Yes. She's really happy about it. Even though she came to see us in Canada, she actually lives in California, she was just visiting a friend who wanted to go the concert too. So she's local."

"How local?"

"Literally lives next to Hunter. I think I might go and live with her..."

"In San Francisco?"

"Yeah. I miss Hunter sometimes."

"I mean, go for it." I grin.

"I just don't wanna be away from you guys. You're my family, you know?"

"Hm." I hum.

"You know what? Nevermind. I'll stay in LA. I like LA. I love it actually. I'll just see if Ricky will move in with us at your house for a little while so we can find a new house."

"We'll always have a room spare for you guys. And if we don't, you will have ours or we'll all sleep in tents in the back yard." I chuckle a little.

"Do you remember when Tita and Tadgu used to that when we'd visit? Oh, man. I miss them. We need to visit Wales in the summer."

"Yeah, we do." I nod, "It's funny watching Tita smother Christina."

"Yeah, and then she'd say 'Oh, Tina, mi amor! So strong!' whenever Christina would lift something." Adie mimics Carmen's accent perfectly.

"I love Tita."

"Me too, man... Oh, no! I won't be able to fly! I'm pregnant."

"Aw, man."

"Hey, baby. What you doing?" Ricky asks as she saunters up to Adrianna.

"I was just telling Kate about our little creation." Adrianna grinned, rubbing her stomach.

Ricky looked at me, "I'm so excited. I was told about the name suggestions you gave and I actually really like that. I'm kinda hoping it's twins now, so I can have both of them." she smiled as she hugged Adie from behind making my sister-in-law blush a little.

"I'm glad to have been of service." I bow a little.

"When are you and Tina gonna start making babies? You've been dead set on having tonnes of kids for years."

"Christina thinks that we're a little bit too busy right now. I thinks that's a bit shit. I could've been pregnant by now."

"We're famous, we're always going to be busy. That's not really a valid reason for us." Adrianna said.

"Thank you! I just don't think she's ready."

"But you have two kids already." Ricky added.

"That was a different situation. Yes we have kids but to have a child on our own accord would be massive to Christina. It was really special to her when we had sex by our own choice. I think she just needs some like, I don't know, maybe some reassurance? Like, it's going to be okay when we do have a baby and that we're gonna be awesome parents because we already are." I rant a little.

"I would speak to Christina about it myself, you know, being the father to my own little baby that's growing in Adie but I get the feeling that she doesn't like me very much." Ricky shrugged.

"Why's that?" Adie asked.

"Well, she doesn't really talk to me and is really dry with me. She never makes eye contact, I don't think she knows what I look like."

"Yeah, no. She's just autistic." I chuckle a little.


"And an introvert. She's usually not comfortable with new people in the family. You remember when she met Dorothy?" Adrianna reminds me.

"She hid upstairs the whole time."

"Now she loves Dorothy." Adie finished, "Just give her time."

"Kate. Why are you taking so long?" my wife asked as she took me in her arms.

"Just having a chat with Adie and Ricky." I tell her.

"Can't you have a chat later? We need to go and have food. I'm hungry."

"I was just telling Kate that I'm pregnant." Adie smiled.

"Gasp." Christina said.

"Gasp indeed." Ricky agreed.

"I'm happy for you!" Christina said, "I'll hug you later. I don't wanna let go of Kate."

"Aw, baby. I love you."

"I love you, too."Christina grinned as she kissed my head and then my cheek.

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