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It was my turn to visit Christina at the hospital and I find myself excited as they let me onto the field that I'll see her on.

I look around and see Christina attempting to climb a tree. I see Doctor Clarke attempting to instruct her.

"Tina!" I shout, breaking into a run towards her. She looks back, drops herself from the branch and sprints towards me too. It doesn't take long for us to crash into each other. On the floor. In a happy mess. We're both pretty fast so it was probably in the span of five seconds. And this is a massive fucking field.

"I miss you!" Christina cried as she kissed my face ferociously.

"I miss you, too!" I reply, accepting the loves.

"My beautiful fiancé. I'm so happy to see you." she said, stopping her kisses to look at me. I take the moment to admire how much better she looks. No bags under eyes, her face seems less tense.

"I am so happy to see you! Home is not the same without you." I tell her.

"So I've been told. Has Esther apologised yet?"

"Yes, she did. We're all good."

"That's amazing."

She pulled me in for a sweet kiss. We manage to pull each other closer. Really feeling our bodies connect.

"Shall we get up?" I ask.

"Yeah. Let's go sit on those benches over there."

We got up and made our way to the picnic benches, I sat across from Tina and held her hand over the table.

"Did you post those photos?" she asks.

"No. I didn't want to do that while you're in here. They don't get to know if we're not together." I explain.

"Fair enough. Did you tell Esther?"

"I did. She was really happy. I called Mammy about it too and we all had a little meet up in our back yard with masks on, of course. Mammy is very excited for when you get out. Just so you're aware."

"It's okay. I'm excited to see... Everyone really. The kids. Are they okay? Do they know what's happened?"

"Adrianna and I sat them down and did our best to explain what heppened. They're upset that they couldn't help you. We tried to tell them that it wasn't their fault. They miss you. A lot. They both sleep in our bed now. Your pillow still smells like you. And we all wear your shirts. We really miss you."

"I miss you all, too. I can't wait to get out of here and be with you. But I need to be here. We can't have that happening again. I have to get better." Tina shook her head.

"You're nearly there, Christina." Doctor Clarke added.

"Really?" I question.

"From what I can tell. You show regret and you're not feeling like you still need to end your life. That's a great sign. You've been opening up tremendously and keeping a very open mind to techniques that may help you recover. You remind me to change your bandages at the appropriate times and you seem... Lighter. If that makes sense."

"Yeah, it does." I nod.

Hearing her say that has lifted a tremendous weight from my shoulders.

Christina is getting better.

"I'm happy. I really am. I've made so much progress." Christina said. My heart jumped at hearing her say that.

"Speaking of progress," Doctor Clarke starts, "How about we discuss that letter from your father, Christina?"

I nod as Tina scratches her head, "Well, I don't want anything until I hear your opinion on him, I guess. Has he changed?"

"You wouldn't believe he was the same man, Tina. He's showing remorse and he's been taught his lesson by the other inmates. He was genuinely interested in everyone's lives and he was upset that you were in the hospital. And that Eliza made an attempt too. He's definatley better, Tina. I was flabbergasted." I explain.

"Really?" Tina raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah. Apparently Joel keeps in contact with him. Your dad warned me about him. Joel wants to reconnect with you. I'm taking extra precautions because I don't trust that Joel has good intentions, your dad didn't think so either. I've gotten security cameras installed and everything."

Tina nodded and her eyes flickered to the therapist," I think you should let Quinn know. She specialises in that area, I think. And when you see dad next, tell him I'd like to have a letter from him and that I'll visit when I can."

I nod. But the itching thought that Joel is out there is putting me on edge.

"Hey, don't worry. I have no doubt that Marley will keep you all safe." Tina assured me.

"Your dad said to find Eleanor. But I don't know where she is. And I have no means of contacting her."

"Then there's nothing you can do. Thank you for doing all that you do for me, Kate. I love you, so much."

"No, I love you, so much."

Tina just chuckles and she gives my hand three squeezes. I reciprocate and smile at my fiancé.

"Does anyone else know about the engagement?" Tina quizzes.

"Just our household and Mammy's." I shrug.

"I see."

"And your dad, he saw the ring. He's happy for us."

"Oh, really? That is strange to hear." she said.

"Why is that, Christina?" Doctor Clarke asked.

"Well, he was always angry at me when we were younger. Never had a good emotion saved for me. All my life, not once had my dad shown me any love to me. It hurts sometimes but uh... Other times I'm glad because I had Kate and Kat to fill the gaps. They loved me more than I could handle." she chucked at the the last part. So did we.

"I really think that letter will do you some good, Christina." Doctor Clarke said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go talk to the head nurse."

Doctor Clarke got up and went back into the building and that left Christina and I on a really shitty date. But it's okay because I'm with her and that's all I ever want.

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