
I knock on Audrey's door, hopefully loud enough to wake her up. But I did tell her what time I'd pick up the girls.

A tired Audrey answer the door. Her hair is a tangled mess and her pupils look blown, probably from being in the dark for so long.

"What?" she yawns.

"Excuse me, ma'am? I've come to pick up my kids. If it's not too much of an inconvenience to you." I joke.

"Come in. You want coffee?" she steps aside to let me in.

"Always." I nod.

"We fell asleep in the blanket fort. I woke up in the middle of the night and slept the rest of the night on the couch." Audrey explained as she stretched her back. "But my couch sleeps like shit so I'm a little sore."

"You want a massage?" I suggest.


I stood behind my sister while she makes the coffees and I let my hands work on her shoulders.

"Damn, girl. You got some knots in there." I say as I massage in between her shoulders.

"Six hours in the OR and sleeping on a shitty couch does that to you." she reasoned.

"Get a new couch, then."

"I'm Chief of Neuro. I don't have time for couch testing." Audrey scoffed.

"I'll do it for you. And I'll get rid of this one and bring the new one in. As a thank you for watching the kids."

"I'll think about it. That's good." she says as I really get my thumbs working on her muscles.

"Did they have fun last night?"

"So much fun. I think they'll sleep until noon. What time is it now?" Audrey squints at the digital clock above the oven, "Time of consciousness: ten fifty. Not bad."

"What did you get up to?"

"Well, we got home and played a a game of hide and seek. Then we played tag in the back yard. Then Ruth found a football, so I set up the goals and we played football. Then I taught them some flips on the trampoline. I got one recently for CJ but the girls made better use for it. Then we ordered pizza and the girls made a blanket fort. I had Khrystyna come over and we watched Grey's Anatomy together then talked about my day at work." Audrey told me.

"Who's Khrystyna?" I question, stopping the massage.

"You remember when I was in high school, and I'd tell you about a girl that I called, Oxytocin?"


"Well, she happens to be your daughter's SEN teacher. Or as Zoey says, emotional support teacher."

"Miss Tyler is here?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah. Even better news, I kissed her and now we have a thing going on."

"Why are my sisters dating people who are supposed to help me. Quinn dates Connie. You date Miss Tyler. What is going on?"

"Hot women. That's what."

"How do you feel? Considering everything with Hallie."

"Hallie's gone. I just have to accept that and move on. I love her. And I miss her. But I get to try with Khrystyna now, something I was too afraid to do in high school. Khrystyna is my focus. That's how I feel." Audrey stated.

"Okay... Is gonna be weird dating a girl with the same name as your sister?" I tease.

"It's spelled completely different to yours. K-H-R-Y-S-T-Y-N-A. Her Mom is from Ukraine. And besides, your real name is ChrstinaJo." Audrey defended.

"I was teasing you, Doggy. Calm down. So easily wound up." I tutted.

"Shut up." she mumbled.

"Auntie Audrey," a sassy voice called, "Telling someone to 'shut up' is not very nice."

We both swing around to see my little Zoey, stood with her hands on her hips, her right hip cocked. The look on her face is one of pure attitude and her superhero pajamas finish the look.

"Morning, Mama!" she grinned at me.

"Hi. Did you have a good time with Auntie Audrey?" I ask.

"I did, thank you very much. But I missed you because we watched Grey's Anatomy and that reminds me of you and Mom. So I missed you and Mom. Did you name me after Arizona Robbins?" Zoey questioned.

"Your Mom did, yeah." I answer.

"Cool. She's cool. I'm cool. So it fits." Zoey shrugged. She strutted her way to me, her little feet patting on the kitchen floor. She walked straight into my legs, telling me that she wants me to pick her up.

"Hi, baby." I grin at my girl.

"Hi, Mama." she grinned back, before leaning to kiss my cheek. She's such a lovely little girl and she, and her sister, make me so happy.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

"You have such an adorable smile. All the girls are gonna swoon over you when you're older." I tell my kid.

"What does swoon mean?" Zoey questioned with a puzzled look on her face.

"It means people will adore and admire you. They will wanna be your partner." I explain.

"Like how girls on the Internet are like with you?" Zoey offered.


"Mommy showed me a video of a girl talking about you. She said that she wanted to marry you and kiss you. But Mommy is gonna marry you and she kisses you all the time! Please don't marry anyone but Mommy." Zoey pouted.

"I don't plan on it. I love your Mom with all of my heart and I can't wait for the day that I marry her." I assure my kid. It's sweet that she loves Kate so much though.

"Good. When I get married, will you walk me down the aisle, or will Mommy?"

"That will be up to you." I say.

"Okay. How are you, Mama?" Zoey had a caring look in her eyes so that told me that the question was related to my mental health. I think she wants to make sure that I am okay so that she doesn't have to lose me again, and I'm gonna try my hardest not to lose myself. I want to stay alive now. I need to.

"I'm still a little overwhelmed. But my doctor showed me how to cope and I'm gonna work on it. I'm gonna do my best to get better, Arizona. I promise you that." I hold my pinky out for my daughter to take, and she locks her littlest finger with mine.

"You are the bestest Mama ever." she told me, confidence and determination set in her features.

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