
Marley dropped us off at our house from the airport. We'd had an amazing honeymoon but I just wanted a chance to get everything in order before we picked up the kids. So we got all the laundry sorted, opened some windows for a bit of fresh air in the place and cleaned the house up a bit.

I was sorting out the kitchen, making shopping lists ect while Christina was vacuuming our room. We got all the sheets washed too. Well, we put clean sheets on while the old ones were in line for the laundry machine.

The vacuum stopped and Christina took it across the house and put it way in the cupboard by the upstairs bathroom. She smiled at me when she came back into the kitchen.

"We're such a productive duo." she said thoughtfully as she prepared to make us some coffees.

"We are. We do need to go to the store though, we need some fresh foods for dinner." I tell her.

"Of course. What are thinking of making?"

"Just some picky bits. But I was gonna make some gauc, salsa, coleslaw and potato salad. Maybe some coronation chicken if I'm feeling bougie."

"I love picky bits." she grinned to herself.

"I know you do. Besides, I could eat a whole horse so picky bits seemed like a good idea."

"Of course. What are we gonna do for Esther's birthday? That's in four days." she asked me, leaning on the counter while the coffee machine did its thing.

"We can look while we're out. She makes thing very difficult with being born just after Christmas." I tut.

"What about Adrianna and Hunter? We missed their birthdays. You never complain about theirs."

"I know. But Adrianna is a simple woman. She'd be happy with the oxygen she breathes so she's easy to buy for. Of course we barely see Hunter so we don't usually do anything but send a card. Esther is difficult because she likes things that have meaning. She likes the sentimental stuff so it's hard to buy for her."

"Yeah, that's true." Tina agreed.

"Oh, we also need to get something for Ruth and Zoey. Your birthdays are coming up, aren't they?"

"Yeah, but let's get Esther out of the way."

"Okay, how about we get her a ring. Get all the bands initials engraved and everything."

"Adrianna got her that already." Christina shook her head.

"Oh... Has she been nagging for anything in particular?"

"Yes! A dog."

"Has she?"

"Yeah. She always sends me screen shots of animal shelters or dog rehoming kennels and always asks for one." Tina explains as she pours our coffee.

"Right, okay."

"So we could wait for her to send a another screen shot and get the dog." she shrugged.

"Is there not any dog in particular she wants?"

"Yes, I think it's Brandy? She's a German shepherd and she's three years old. But she always sends it to me so she can compare me to the dog."

"So, she wants Brandy?"

"I believe so."

"Let's visit the kennel then." I say as she hands me my coffee, "Thank you, baby."

"No problem." she smiled at me.


We rung the kennel yesterday and they said that we can come and see the dog this afternoon. So we're on our way!

Esther is going to be so happy. We're not going to tell her that we'll get the dog either. What were going to do is set up an insurance for the pup, get her spayed and vet checked and give her to Esther on the eighth, her birthday.

"Alright, we're here. And you better not say anything to Auntie Esther, girls." Christina pointed her finger at our kids and Sarah through the mirror.

"We won't!" the twins shook their heads while Sarah just nodded. We still don't know why she wanted to stay here with us, but she asked and we weren't going to refuse.

"Let's go see the doggy!" I say as we get out of the car. This was specifically a dog kennel so we could here lots of dogs barking and whining. It sort of broke my heart but Christina said we couldn't have a dog because we have busy lives and it would be fair to the poor thing. Which I agree with, but still.

"Hi, are you Christina?" the lady at the desk asked as we walked in through reception.

"That's me. We're here to see Brandy." Christina replied.

"Of course! She's all ready for you in the visiting area." the lady shot Christina a wink and it was hard not to get... Jealous.


The woman lead us further into the building to the dog visiting area. It's a small field enclosed by a nine foot metal fence and filled with dog toys. Waiting for us was an absolute unit of a dog. I wasn't expecting her to be this massive.

She came bounding over to us and immediately took a liking to Christina, who for purposes of this visit, was pretenting to be Esther. She even wore Esther's iconic white vest and had her hair in a half up half down style.

"Hi, puppy!" Christina exclaimed. The dog loved her. And I'm worried that she'll love Christina, not Esther.

But she's absolutely gorgeous. When she came over to me, she was so gentle and kind. I wanted her for myself but this was Esther's dog.

Christina decided, after thirty minutes, that the dog was perfect for her sister. So we're fostering her, yet still have her reserved for Esther. We are going to be paying the kennel a lot to keep the dog reserved for that much time but it'll be worth it when Esther sees her birthday present.

We put Brandy into the car, along with her favourite toy and blankets. Christina took us all home and then went back out to buy some more dog related stuff for the shepherd.

Brandy found herself a nice spot next to me in the sofa, her head in my lap while I scroll through my phone.

The kennel are paying for all of her vet fees and she has an appointment tomorrow. If she's healthy, she'll be spayed the same day.

Sarah was sat with us, just stroking the dog. She looked sad and angry. I thought I'd try and have a talk with her.

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