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"Happy birthday, Mommy!" my girls scream at the top of their lungs, tackling me in ferocious cuddles.

"Thank you!" I giggle as they squirm excitedly in my arms.

"Come on, Mommy! Mama is waiting in the kitchen!" Zoey encourages. I look to my right and notice that Tina is not in bed.

"Okay, let's go!"

Finally eighteen. This year has gone so slow, especially because of the pandemic. Tina and I graduated high school over a zoom call and had our diplomas mailed to us. It is sad that we couldn't go to prom or have a graduation ceremony but it is what it is.

I see Christina waiting in the kitchen for me, with my favourite breakfast and coffee waiting for me.

Cinnamon buns, French toast, pancakes and muffins. My girl knows how to treat me.

"Happy birthday, Kate." Tina says, scooping me in for her signature birthday kiss, tongue included. Every year we French kiss on my birthday. Don't know why, it just happens.

"Mhm, this breakfast looks delicious." I mumble against her lips.

"I tried my very best. And this only the beginning. Eat up, lots to do." She announced in her thick Welsh accent, pulling away from me and sorting me a big plate. I'm starving.

Tina's French toast is just something else. It's amazing. She gets it perfect everytime and it never tastes different. You know what? This whole breakfast is perfection. It's just top tier and makes my mouth water.

"That was amazing, babe." I gush, shoving the last bit of pancake in my mouth.

"I'm glad you enjoyed. Go get ready. We got things to do." she ushers me out of my chair. I giggle and make my way back towards the bedroom to get showered, brush my teeth and get dressed. I decide on a cozy outfit today. Since it is my birthday, I can wear what I want.

I pull on light grey joggers, a plain white t-shirt and my favourite back and red flannel that I stole from Tina. I pair it with just plain, black socks.

I emerge from the bedroom after brushing my hair and drying it.

"You look comfy." Tina smiles.

"I am." I grin back.

"Is that my flannel?"

"Not anymore." I cheek.

"I see how it is." Tina nods.

"Oh yeah?"

"Ugh, can you two stop flirting for two minutes!" Esther groans.

"I can flirt as much as I want because it's my birthday!" I remind her.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Happy birthday." she huffs, jokingly. She hands me a card and I hug her and thank her.

"Presents!" Tina jumps, excitedly.

"You got me presents?" I gasp.

"Yeah!" she giggles. I can tell she's experiencing a lot of excitement and stimulation. You can see it when she giggles like a kid or when she jumping or stimming. "Sit on the couch!"

I do as she requests and sit on the sofa, the girls sit on my left and Tina on my right.

"First things first. We need to call Mammy." Tina states.

"Okay." I nod.

She opens the laptop and skypes Mammy.

"Hey, spud!" her face greets.

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