
We walk in silence after that heartfelt conversation. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, it was a silence that we knew didn't need to be filled. No incessant chatter or terrible small talk. We could just be, we can walk and enjoy the view with each other.

I just like to be reminded that Kate is a person in my life, let alone my wife. I feel so incredibly priveleged that I was the one to marry her. Not anyone else.

Even though everyone thought that Kate and Esther were an item. They're just close, best friends.

I love my best friend. She's awesome. Sure, she's a little on the quiet side but she has a big heart and is so loveable. Marley just has a way of making you smile with her awkwardness that is both embarrassing and loveable. All in one.

Then there's Adrianna. She's like, my second best friend. She is so cool and sometimes I forget that she is my sister and when I do remember, I feel so proud. I love all my sisters dearly, even if the don't live in the same area as me.

Like Hunter and Eleanor. Hunter is not so bad, she only lives in San Francisco, not too far. But Eleanor? I have no clue where she is. I miss her.

"Hey, I know that frown. What's up?" Kate asked.

"Eleanor." I state.

"Sweetheart." she pouts. I look to her through my red lenses. She's so pretty.

"I know. There's nothing we can do but wait for her to reach out. But what if she doesn't?"

"Then it's out of our hands."

"I don't want it to be out of our hands. I miss her so much. I just want my big sister back." my frown deepens and I feel tears brim my eyes.

"Oh, babe. You and your big heart." she says before pulling me into a big hug, where I cry on her shoulder. We collapse into the snow and I just sob into Kate's shoulder. She holds me tight and tells me it's gonna be okay.

"I want her back." I cry.

"I know." Kate says, "I know. I'm sure she will come back when she feels ready to. And when she does, you'll have a nice surprise for her. You're at least a billion inches taller, you've got all this muscle and you are happier. You're married with two kids, and maybe more, depends on when she comes back. You've got a house and you're brilliant in the band. She's going to be so proud of you, Tina."

"More kids?" I pull back and look at her.

"Well, we are going to have kids eventually, right?"

"Yeah, but... You're thinking about kids now?"

"I'm always thinking about having kids with you, Christina. But not for right now, maybe in our twenties." Kate shrugs.


"I don't know. But we'll figure it out."

"Okay." I nod.

I heard footsteps approaching, so I quickly stood up and got Kate up too. I get all the snow off her trowsers and I after I stand up straight, she pulls me in for a kiss. She held me close and didn't show any signs of letting go. We collapsed back into the snow, Kate on top of me and I sort of panic as the footsteps grow closer. But Kate sort of, erased my worries when she plays with my hair. She knows I love when she does that.

"Wow, you are so cute!" a voice with a thick accent spoke. I'm too far into the snow to see the person but Kate lifts her head smile and thank the person, "You are the two on the honeymoon, yes?"

"That's right. How did you find out?" Kate asked, I sit up a little to see the person. A short woman, she had glasses, short, fluffy greying hair that was poking out of her hat, she had a big smile and green eyes. She looked at me and smiled even more somehow.

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