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We have just landed in our fisrt honeymoon location. Christina wanted a cold place so we came to Finland and were going to spend Christmas here. It's going to be hard without the girls here but we wanted some time alone and Christina wanted to come to the Apukka Resort for Christmas anyway.

This will be her first time encountering snow so I'm really excited to see her reaction when she plays in it. I will be filming it to send to my Mammy, Eliza and the rest of the band. It's always an incredible sight to see Christina enjoy something for the first time.

She's already hyped up in the taxi on the way to the resort. She loves the Christmas effect the snow has on the world around her.

"I'm so excited." she'd say under breath. I'd give her hand a little kiss and cuddle onto her shoulder.

"Is this your first time in Finland?" the driver asked. His accent was very thick as he spoke, so thick that Christina need me to repeat what he said.

"Yes, it is. It's her first time seeing snow, too."

"Ah, yes. Finland is a very wonderful place. I hope you enjoy your stay."

"Thank you. It is very beautiful." I reply, watching out of the window. Christina was glued to hers, watching the snow-covered trees, hills and signs as we pass by them. She got really excited when we arrived. We payed the guy before we even got to Finland, he was the driver that we ordered to pick us up.

I got out first and started recording with my camera, we decided to vlog our trip here and we thought it'd be a good way to announce our marriage. They think that I'm dating Esther and that Christina is dating Marley. It's quite funny, actually. The way they all jump to conclusions.

I watched as Christina got out, camera pointing at her as she smiled and squealed. She crouched down to touch the snow, to feel it with her fingers and she giggled as she did so. Then she got back up and took a step. It made that satisfying crunch and that made Christina very happy.

"I love it!" she grinned.

We got our luggage from the back of the car and booked into our cabin. I believe that Christina booked us an Aurora Cabin, so we can see the sky as we go to sleep.

We got the key and found our place. It was quite cozy and the bed looked rather comfy.

"Wow," I mumble as I pan the camera around. "Look at the view, Christina."

I find myself under the big window, looking up at the early morning sky.

"It's great, isn't it? You would you wanna go grab a bite soon? After we play in the snow?" Christina suggests, I turn the camera towards her until it was almost touching her nose.

"What's that?" I giggle at the funny angle of my wife.

"I said, do you wanna grab a bite after we play in the snow?"


We film a summary of what's happening, you know, typical YouTuber stuff. Then, we decide to go out and play in the snow. By we, I mean Christina while I supervise.

The first thing she did when she got outside was sit down in the snow and open and close her legs, the snow gathering over the top of her legs. I watched as she balled some snow into her hand and held it out to me, "You want it?" she asked. I took it from her and thanked her.

"What should I do with it?" I question while she makes another one.

"I don't know, it's yours now!" she grinned at me. I turned the camera around to face me as I took a bite out of the snowball, Christina giggling in the background. It make me chuckle and I almost choked on the snow.

I recorded my wife as she studied the snow, even bury her face in it, and take after me in eating some too.

"Just don't eat the yellow or brown snow." I say.

"Ew!" she grimaced.


We walked hand in hand to a nearby Nordic restaurant. I was excited to try the fresh foods and I think that Tina was just hungry and would eat anything at that point. We both get nervous with travel so we didn't eat anything today, that has caused us to become ravenous.

I could see from the corner of my eye that my wife was smiling as the snow crunched beneath her feet, so I decided to muse her.

"You really like the snow, don't you?"

"Yeah." she beamed.

"Did you like eating it?"

"It just tastes like frozen water." she shrugged.

"That's because it's ice, babe." I chuckle.

"Well, I know that," she tutted, took a breath and spoke again, "It's doesn't feel like we're nineteen."

"No?" I question.

"No. I mean, we have to wonderful kids, I have a job, we're already quite successful and are making quite a bit of money, we're married and have our own house. Not many other nineteen year olds have that." she explained.

"I guess not. But we're lucky in that sense. Lucky to have each other and our girls, our house, our wealth, our fame, our love. Especially with our background and all the shit we've been through. We're so lucky."

"I know. And I cherish that everyday. Hell, it's what we're doing right now. Taking a break just to love each other. And we're not even three hours in and I'm loving it so far." Christina smiled wide.

"You've come such a long way." I state.

"You think?" she looked at me, her eyebrows raised in genuine curiosity. I know that this is what she needs to hear. She needs to know that she is doing well.

"I don't think. I know. You're doing really well." I tell her.

"I am doing well." she agrees, "We are doing well."

"We are." I complete, throwing my arm around her waist and hers goes around my shoulder. She kisses my head and give her a squeeze, something I know that she enjoys.

We vlog a little on our walk, telling people about the cabin and our dinner plans. We will be going live later, I can't wait any longer to tell the world. I will be making a post on Instagram. Our proposal, our wedding and a photo we took together in the snow, kissing in all of them. They deserve to know and I deserve to give myself, to give Tina, the freedom of love.

And what better place than Finland to do that?

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