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"Mama!" the girls shout as they run out of the school to greet me.

"Hey, babies." I smile as they reach me. "Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah! Mrs Evans let us read books and I read a book about a hungry caterpillar." Ruth explained.

"Really? That's awesome. What about you, Zoey?"

"Miss Tyler wants to speak to you." was all she said.

"Oh, do you know why?"


"Okay, let's go see her." I say, and allow the kids to lead me to the teacher. Zoey pulls me into a classroom and towards a woman with dark hair and fair skin sat at the tiniest table. I'm gonna have issues fitting my long legs under it, for sure.

"Ah, Miss Rogerstone." she smiles at me, well, that's what it looks like under her mask, "Take a seat."

I sat at the table that was quite a distance away from her, and sit patiently while she tells the girls to go to the book corner. They nod and hurry over to the bookshelves.

This room is painted in a really shitty yellow. They should make it bright blue.

"I just wanted to talk to you about Zoey's behaviour the last couple of weeks. Last year and the beginning of this year." she starts.

"Oh, has she been bad?" I ask.

"Not necessarily. I've noticed that she's really sensitive to... Well, everything. The lights, the noise, the feel of things. She has had a few minor meltdowns but today, she did have a big one. I just wanted to know if there's anything going on at home that may have caused this?"

Well, I suppose. She's probably struggling because I am. That tends to happen a lot. When I feel overstimulated, she does too. When I have a meltdown, she does too. However I have not had a meltdown in a while, knock on wood. So the meltdown is unexplained.

I voice this much to Miss Tyler and she nods in understanding.

"I have tried talking to her but she seems very closed off at the moment. Do you think you could try and have a conversation with her?"

"I could try. Kate would be the better person to do it though. I'll talk to her."

"Yes, that'll be a good idea. I just want to make sure that everything is okay. Zoey is a wonderful little girl and even though I shouldn't, I care for her very deeply. I want to make sure she's okay."

"I understand. As far as I'm aware though, it's nothing too serious. She hasn't really been displaying this behaviour at home. It's all smiles and giggles."

"You do have a very happy and playful household. I see it in them." Miss Tyler nods her head to the girls who are hitting each other with books and giggling because of the sound it makes.

"I try to give them what I didn't have." I mumble.

"I'm sorry." she said solemnly.

"It's not your fault. There's nothing you can do about it." I shrug.

"No one should have to face a bad childhood. But, Miss Rogerstone, I need you to know that you are doing amazing at mothering those beautiful little girls. They are the sweetest little things." she assured me.

"Thanks. Is that all?"

"Yes. Thank you for taking the time to speak to me."

"No problem. Thanks for letting me know and I'll get back to you as soon as I can with an answer." I say, standing up and straightening my shirt.

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