
Christina and I are absolutely loving our stay here. We've been talking and decided that we will be bringing the kids here some day.

But for now, I'm just enjoying being here with her. Waking up next to her under the snow and cuddled into our cozy bed. It is absolutely gorgeous here.

Christina and I have been on some fun adventures. We went to Santa's village and bought some stuff for our family. We went dog sledding, snow walks and built a cute lesbian snow couple outside our cabin. It's been so brilliant.

I feel Christina kiss my head and she takes a deep breath in, smelling my hair.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Merry Christmas." she mumbled.

"Good morning. Merry Christmas." I turn around and kiss her. One thing leads to another and we have great Christmas sex.

We shower and get dressed in some comfy crimbo joggers and snug Christmas jumpers. We sit on the couch with our coffees and it feels weird not to be rushed by our kids. We're taking our time and enjoying our Christmas morning together.

Eventually though, I just can't take it any longer. I have to give Tina her presents. I find the bag with all her gifts in, as she does the same. We sit  back at the couch and give each other some kisses.

"It feels strange without Ruth and Zoey here." Tina cringed.

"I know. But at the same time, it feels nice to be here with you, alone." I say.

"Yeah, I get that." she nodded.

We get to exchanging gifts and it's safe to say that Christina was happy with hers. We had only brought the small gifts out with us, so they would fit in our suit cases. All the other big and expensive ones are back at home, and we'll open them when we get back.

I open the cutest little box up and peer inside. It was a lovely green crystal. I have a collection growing and that's all because Christina spoils me with them. She had also got me some cool band t-shirts. Some of my all time favourites. We Three merch, Muse merch, Queen, The Aces and Dodie. I can wear these while we're here. I think Christina has taken the liberty to wash them before wrapping them. They smell like our detergent. With a hint of coffee...

Christina grins as she puts on the hoodie I got her. She loves hoodies and so I bought her a Paramore one. And she already had the t-shirt that I bought her on herself, and the new dress pants.

If there's anything that I know about my Christina, it's that she likes to dress fancy. She loves wearing shirts, dress pants, ties, bow ties, she looks so cute in a bow tie, blazers and you name it, she loves it. Apart from dress shoes, she doesn't like how they make her feet look.

Anyways, so with the knowledge that Christina loves these sort of items, I bought her a lot fancy dress stuffs, and she has loads more back at home.

She looks very strange with the atire she has right now. Fluffy socks, black dress pants, Set It Off sweater and then the Paramore hoodie going over the top.

"You like them?" I chuckle.

"Yeah." she likes her head through the hood and grinned.

"Sweetheart. You look so weird." I pout.

"Well, I am weird, so it checks out." she attempted to shrug, "It's a bit warm. I'm gonna take this all off now."

"You do that, babe."

She neatly put all of the stuff away and went back to the few presents she had left. Which was a dog tag with our initials on it and a pair of prescription glasses but the lenses are red. She loved them. A lot.

"I gotta go take my contacts out." she said as she rushed to the bathroom, "How did you find my prescription?" she called from the bathroom.

Now, here's the the thing. I know her prescription off by heart. I have to pay a lot of attention when she goes the opticians because of two reasons. One being that she hates going there, she doesn't like it at all and has a meltdown everytime. And the other one being that since she is too busy not listening to the optician and trying to get away from her, she doesn't know what she has to say to the other people who sort out her glasses for her. So I mainly I get asked all the questions since Tina goes non-verbal and very grumpy.

Also, I just love knowing everything abiut her. Her prescription, blood type ect.

"I just know it." I reply.

"You know my prescription?" she repeats, "Not even I know that!"

"Well, one of us has to. And it's clearly not you." I chuckle.

"I suppose." she comes back out and sits next to me. Taking the glasses out of their case and slipping them on.

"How are they?" I wonder.

She looks around the room and back at me. She's biting her her lip, which means she's either focused or anxious. But due to the stillness of the rest of her body, I'd say she's focused.

"I love 'em." she beamed.

"I'm glad. You have more at home." I sigh in relief, "In all sorts of colours."

"I'm never going to wear contacts again." she giggled, "What colours?"

"You're gonna have to wait."

"What? Kate! No! You can do that to me!" she whined.

"Yes, I can. And I did." I smirk. I lean in to kiss her lips, "Thank you for my presents, babe."

"You're welcome. Thank you for mine." she smiled, giving me a kiss.

"You're welcome."

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