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I bought a house! It's a done deal. And it's a nice one too. Kate only had one request and that was a house with lots of rooms for lots of kids. I followed through and have a house with fourteen rooms and three bathrooms. I can't wait to show her around and plan our whole future.

The estate agent hands me the keys to the house and shakes my hand, while my face probably has the biggest smile it's ever worn before.

Now that I have a house, I could move out, in time for my eighteenth, which is in two months. I'll get the girls settled and then Kate will probably move in afterwards. Oh god, please let 2020 come fast, just so I can have my birthday, move into this beautiful house and start my happy life with my loves.

I go to the store to finish off my errands and then go back to Kate and the girls. There's a bounce in my step and nothing could ruin my mood.

I walk up the path to the front door, open it and march my way into the house. Not giving a single damn because I can.

"Mama!" the girls cheer as the run from the couch to greet me.

"Hi, babies!" I squeal as I pick them both up and kiss them, making them giggle and squirm. Kate is on the couch, with a blank stare, while Kat looks as though she is trying console her, then I notice Aiden from PE and who I'm guessing is his mother.

"What's going on?" I ask, setting the girls down and making my way over to Kate. I sling my arm around her shoulder and pull her into me as she starts to sob.

"Mammy has a girlfriend and I'm so happy for her." Kate sobs into my shoulder.

"That's great news! Is your Mammy happy?" I ask her, pulling away to wipe her tears with my thumbs.

"Uh-huh." she nods and sniffs.

"Aw, baby. You and your big heart." I smile at her. Kate eventually pulls away from me entirely to hug Kat and tell her how happy she is all over again. Kate then goes to hug Kat's girlfriend.

"This is my girlfriend, ChristinaJo." Kate tells her, releasing the woman from her hug.

"Hi, I'm Abbey." she waves at me. I wave back and just send a nod Aiden's way, who reciprocates the gesture.

"How did house hunting go, Christina?" Kat asks as Kate takes her place next to me.

I glance at Kate and smile, "I got a house." I say.

"You did?" Kate gasped.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Can we have lots of babies?"

"We could have eleven more babies if you really wanted."

"That's so many!" Kate grinned.

"Yeah, it is. And it's got a nice, big back yard and three bathrooms, a garage and a sliding back door."

"A sliding back door?!"

"Yeah, and it's all ours."

"All ours."

"So when do you plan on moving in?" Kat asked, dejectedly.

"When I turn eighteen. Just next month and then some."

"That's not that long then. So you'll be gone by the end of February?"

"Yeah? Why? Is there a problem? I could stick around longer if you'd like."

"No, no! You go and live in your big house. It just seems like yesterday you were that tiny little six-year-old, who loved to cuddle and smell people." she chuckled.

"I still love those things, I'm just bigger, older now."

"I'm proud of you nonetheless, Tina. Just don't take my spud away from me yet. Let me enjoy her baby years, still." Kat jokes, pulling Kate into her and kissing and loving on her while she protests. It felt good to hear her say that. I wonder what Mama would think? I haven't heard from her in a long while. Ever since Peter died, really.

"Congratulations, Christina." Abbey says. I thank her and go up to the bedroom where I just need to chill and recharge for a bit. And call my Mom.

I diall her number and it goes to voicemail. So I text her.

Hey, Mam. Sut wyt ti? I haven't heard from you in a while. I love you.

She'll see it later. Right? My phone buzzes and I see that it's Mama.

Hey Christina Bach! I miss you. I've been living in Wales with your Tita a Tadgu. They're looking after me quite well. Thank you for checking in. How are you?

We chat back and forth and Mama tells me that she's dealing with depression and severe anxiety so she's living with my grandparents while she sees a therapist in Wales. She also tells me that she hasn't heard from Eleanor in while, and neither have I. I reach out quite often but get nothing in return.

I tell Mama about my new house and Kat's new girlfriend. Which she's very happy about. She glad that her best friend is happy. Even if she's not. She keeps in touch with Kat quite well actually, they talk every day, apparently.

I could understand my Mama's reluctance to talk to me, she's traumatised. I probably remind her of all the abuse we faced. So I don't blame her.

Kate came in after I said goodbye to Mama. She led down on the bed, putting her head in my lap. The smile on her face puts me at ease.

"I'm so happy for Mammy." she gushes. "I'm so happy that she's not dwelling on my asshole father and found someone who treats her right. She's really nice."

"She seems lovely." I smile.

"Why don't you go down and get to know her? She is a part of the family now, after all." Kate shrugs.

"You know that's not happening. I don't like speaking to new people. I just need to get used to having her around."

"Okay, in the meantime. Can you do me a favour?"

"What's that, Kate dearest?"

"Can you go to the store and get me chocolate? I'm on my period."

"Second drawer in the fridge." I drone.

"Really?! Oh, I fucking love you," she tells me aggressively as she kiss my lips with violence, "Thank you!"

She disappears out of the door and to the kitchen to get her treats. I knew she'd want them because we're synced and she's a chocolate monster when she's on.

And it's funny how I know all these little things about, how I can predict when she'll ask me for something so I can buy it in advance. But I guess that's what happens when you love someone so deeply. You want to know every nook and cranny of their entire being.

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