chapter 10

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Saturday, February 17th

We are done with all that needed to be done for the day. All that is left is for Angela to be moved to Joburg with me.

My dad has been quite vocal about his disappointment and my mother is also not so happy about it but she is happy that she will be having a grandchild soon.

I'm currently standing on my balcony, looking into the beautiful city lights. I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I look back to see my uncle, Aviwe. He stands next to me and sips his whiskey.

Aviwe: you're a man now.
Me: yeah.

We stand in silence and take in the cold breeze as the trees sway from left to right, being blown by the wind.

Aviwe: you're now married, traditionally. you're going to be a father. what is your plan?
Me: I am still trying to figure that out myself but I know I can make it work. I owe to Angela and our baby.

He nods and looks back, I also slightly turn my body to see what he is looking and it's Angela, standing behind us with her head bowed and playing with her fingers.

She still has a blanket over her shoulders and she's wearing a headwrap still.

Aviwe: I will excuse you two.

He walks out and closes the door.

Angela: hey.

She says as she walks closer to me.

Me: hey.
Angela: I'm so sorry, I know...
Me: Angela, we're both at fault here. I don't think it's fair for you to take all the blame for this. we made this baby together and we're going to take care of it together.

She nods with tears in her eyes.

Me: hey...

I say as I walk closer to her and make her lay her head on my chest.

Me: it's okay, we're going to make it work.

She starts sobbing and her sobs pierce trough my heart. I don't think I love this girl but she is the mother of my child. Therefore, I can't stand to see her in pain.

I have a water bottle on my table so I fetched that and she takes two sips.

Angela: gogo said she's disappointed. I promised her I was going to make her proud.
Me: you are still going to do that, just not the way you had initially planned to.

She just nods. I pull her hand gently and walk her towards my bed.

Me: you should get some rest.

She nods and gets onto the bed. I remove the blanket over her shoulder and the headwrap. I then grab my checker throwover and cover her with it.

After making sure that she's calm and asleep, I head downstairs.

Gogo: where is Angela?
Me: I thought it was only right for her to get some rest, it's been a long day for her.

They all nod in unison.

Dad: so how are you going to manage school, a wife and a child.
Me: I will find a way to make it work.
Mom: I was thinking that Angela could come and live with us for a while and a little bit after she gives birth.
Dad: your mom has been pressing on this suggestion of her.
Mkhulu: it is smart though.
Tyler: nope, she confessed to the fact that she only wants that because she loves Angela.
Thando: but that's a good thing, don't you think?
Gogo: the newly weds need some time together. we will revisit that idea in a few months.

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