chapter 28

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Wednesday, July 21st

I wake up and take a quick shower. I then wear some track pants and a hoodie. I wear some sneakers as well.

I head to my wardrobe and pull out the ring I wanted to give to Angela. I write her a note that reads...

"I actually meant to give you this ring a while ago but because of the conflict and tension that was between us, I couldn't. I really love you and I have been wanting to tie the knot, our way. We were robbed of the perfect wedding and perfect love story because we rushed into things. To be honest with you, I'm happy we did. Please make me the happiest man alive, mommy?"

I place the ring box on top of the note and I leave the house. I get in my car and drive to a certain someone's res accommodation.

I get out of my car and wear my hood as I approach the entrance. I hand an envelope to the guard and he lets me in.

I stand outside and she comes out. I gently push her back into her dorm room and I close the door. I take a sit on the bed and she stand in front of me

Me: I heard you have been stalking my wife.
Dee: Junior, I did it for us.
Me: there's no us! get that trough your thick skull or is that hard for your air head to comprehend?
Dee: Junior!
Me: you're getting loud, calm yourself down. come correct and then you speak to me.
Dee: Junior, please...

She sits on my lap.

Me: that's my wife's seat.

I help her up.

Dee: Junior, I am trying.

I get up and look her in the eyes.

Me: well, stop. stop trying, you're wasting your efforts.
Dee: if I can't have you, no one can.

I pull her close to me and she lays her head on my chest.

Me: listen here, I don't hurt women because I respect them. don't be the reason why I try. stay away from my wife, I don't want to come back here.

I walk out and I can hear her screaming from behind me. Everything I just said is true, I don't hurt women and I'll never do that. My mother raised me well. I am no coward.

Junior DlaminiWhere stories live. Discover now