chapter 33

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Three days later

Here we are with no lead as to who has my daughter and my brother. I received a letter last night that read...

"Meet me at the harbor, come alone."

So here we are, in CPT getting ready for whatever battle we have to fight in an hour and a half.

*flashback(last night)

I walk into the room and find her sitting on the edge of the bed with swollen eyes and I kneel down in front of her.

Me: we found a lead, my love. the kidnappers sent me a letter as well. we have a plan, they are going to come back home.

I don't know if I'll come back, we don't know just how dangerous this person is.

I hold her hands and I place a peck on each knuckle.

Me: I love you.

I say with eyes coming down my face.

Angela: why do you say that like you're not coming back?
Me: I might not.

I say looking away.

Angela: Junior, no. we have a child.
Me: I have no choice, we already sent our men and they failed. we have to do this ourselves.
Angela: okay but you can stay, right?
Me: no, Angela. baby, look...
Angela: no, I can't let you go.
Me: Angela, I have to fetch our daughter.
Angela: Junior.
Me: I love you, my daughter must also always know that I love her. I love you, baby.

I get up and walk out after placing a peck on her forehead.

*back to present moment.

We are headed to the harbor. I already have men that we  have planted there that are just waiting for our signal. When we are a few minutes away, I send the signal.

We finally arrive and I walk out. We walk towards this man together.

Him: Dlamini, I thought I asked you to come alone.
Me: who do you think you are?
Him: Ishmael Khubeka.
Dad: Khubeka?
Ishmael: you thought you got rid of everything and everyone, right?
Dad: what does my son have to do with this?
Ishmael: your family is your weakness, Dlamini.
Me: you really care that much? you even did research on us, it's giving fan behaviour. do you want an autograph?

He giggles and looks at me with so much hate in his eyes.

Me: I'll tear you up, Shimela.

"Shimela" is the Zulu word for chimney.

Ishmael: I grew up an orphan, with no one to depend on but the money my family left for me. I have no one and that's thanks to you, Dlamini's.
Me: you're weak and pathetic.
Ishmael: don't forget that your children are at my mercy.
Me: not anymore. you see, while you were so concerned about us and telling us your little life story, we got them out and they are on their way to a safe place where you will never find them.
Ishmael: where are they?!

He says and his people run to the boat and search our surroundings, looking for Nkosi and Kamari.

His people: they are nowhere to be found, boss.
Ishmael: how did you do it?
Me: magic.

I say with a grin on my face and jazz hands.

Ishmael: get them, boys!

Gunshots go off everywhere. Everyone goes to different spots and the gun war begins. We finish off all of his guys and I get up from my spot.


And I feel like it, penetrating my flesh. My hand goes down to my abdomen and comes back up with blood.

Mpumi: JUNIOR!

He exclaims as they all run to me and everything goes in slow motion in that moment and that's it. Lights out. All I can think of in this moment is my last moments with my mother.


We are in the living room trying to find solutions and we have probably had three heated arguments now. Emotions are high and everyone is taking their frustrations out on others.

Mom: I just don't think Juniors should go with you.
Me: why not, ma?
Mom: Junior, as your mother, I say that you are not going and you are going to listen to what I'm telling you.
Me: I'm a kid anymore, ma. my brother and my one year old daughter are out there, maybe even fighting for their lives. I can't just stay here and do nothing.
Mom: Junior, I am your mother!
Me: no, you are not! you killed my mother or what, did you forget that?!
Angela: Junior!
Me: Angela, keep out of this. I am going there to go get my daughter and my brother.
Mom: I pray you don't live to regret this.

She says as tears uncontrollably come down her face.

Junior DlaminiWhere stories live. Discover now