chapter 32

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Saturday, February 24th

Today is Angela's birthday so I'm taking her out for dinner.

Me: let's go!

I shout from downstairs while looking at my watch.

Nkosi: still not coming down?

He asks with a smile. He is always at his happiest when he is with Kamari and he is babysitting her tonight.

Me: no, she is not.

Angela comes down looking absolutely dapper in her beautiful silk black dress and black coat. She is also wearing some YSL heels. No ways this is all mine.

Angela: pick up that jaw, Mr. Dlamini.
Nkosi: yeah pick up your jaw, Mr. Dlamini. 

I do as told and I hold out my hand for my beautiful woman. She holds my hand and we are escorted out by Nkosi.

Angela: her milk is in the shelf near the fridge, her sippy cup is...
Nkosi: hey, this is not my first rodeo. I know my way around this place and I know how to handle Kamari.

He gives Kamari a peck on the cheek and looks back at us.

Nkosi: I got this.
Angela: okay, bye.

She gives Nkosi a hug and gives Kamari a peck on the lips.

We walk to the car and I drive to the restaurant while we have light conversations here and there. We arrive at the restaurant and one of the waiters walks us to the table which is in the center of the restaurant.

I booked this whole place out so there's no one here, there is beautiful jazz music playing in the background and love is in the air.

While we are having our food, I clap my hands twice and the staff comes out with a money bouquet and a cake. There's a writing on it that says...

"Happy birthday, mommy."

Angela: awww I love it,baby.

I nod.

Angela: thank you.
Me: I already gave you a car so I didn't know what to get you so I just decide to get you another one.
Angela: another one?
Me: yeah.

I hand her the box with the keys in it and she opens it. In that moment, her jaw drops.

Angela: and it's mine?
Me: it's all yours.

I also pull out the diamond necklace I got her.

Angela: this is too much, what am I going to do for your birthday?
Me: just give me your time, that's enough for me.
Angela: I think I can do that.

We continue having our dinner over light conversations and we leave after about an hour or so.

Angela: we're going home, right?
Me: yeah, I'm tired and I have an assignment that's due in two weeks. if I can complete it by tomorrow, I can take you and our baby to a beautiful holiday spot for the weekend.
Angela: what did I do to deserve you?
Me: I have no idea.

We play 'always be my baby' by Mariah Carey and we sing it to each other while I drive.

We get home and I punch in the code that opens our door. We go in and everything seems normal.

Angela: I'll go check on them.

She says while walking upstairs with her heels now in her hands. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and drink half of it at one go.

I then hear Angela running down the stairs.

Angela: they're not here.

She says with tears coming down uncontrollably.

Me: what?
Angela: they are not here, Junior! they are no where.

I run upstairs and look for them everywhere but don't find them.

Me: go change into some tracksuits.
Angela: Junior...
Me: just do what I ask of you, Thatohatsi.

She runs upstairs and does as I have asked. While she's changing, I call my investigators.

Me: my brother and my daughter have been kidnapped, get on it now.

She comes back down and I also run upstairs to change into tracksuits. We run down and get in my car. I get on the road and drive at high speed.

We get to my parents house and we are met with my dad standing at the door.

Dad: what's going on?
Me: Milani and Nkosi are missing.
Dad: what? how?
Me: I don't know how but whoever did this job is really good.
Dad: but who would do this?
Me: Mkhize, he is the only one that has anything to gain from it. he has a lot to gain from this.
Dad: he won't know what hit him.

My investigators call...

Them: sir, we found them.
Me: where are they?
Them: they are still in the city. we will send you the location, sir.
Me: get me his number.

A few minutes later, they send me the location and Mkhize's number. I call the number.

Me: I know where you are, Mkhize. just give up.

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