chapter 22

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Mkami| my wife

Sunday, May 7th

Angela and I just moved into our new apartment. Last night was our first night in our new fully furnished apartment.

This apartment is more spacious than the previous one and we also have a nursery for our baby.

Anyway, I have also now officially joined into the business but it hasn't been easy with my heavily pregnant wife.


I take a shower and wear a black Adidas tracksuit.

Angela: where are you going?
Me: uhm, just to the stores.
Angela: you have been going to the stores a lot lately.
Me: I know, right?

I give her a peck on the cheek before heading down to the parking lot.

An important package is coming to the warehouse today and I have to be there to ensure that it all runs smoothly.

Anyway, I get there and find my dad, my uncle and eight other bodyguards.

Dad: son.
Me: father.
Mpumi: how are you doing
Me: same old, same old.

But all of a sudden, there's gunshots. I pull out my gun and duck.

Me: this way!

I exclaim as I point in the direction that we should run to.

Dad: they set us up.
???: come out, Dlamini's.

I step out with the eight bodyguards and face this huge man and those accompanying him.

???: ah, Junior Dlamini.
Me: that's my name. who are you?
???: I'm Gabriel, Gabriel Mkhize.

He says taking his hand forward for me to shake.

Mkhize: it's a pleasure to meet you, man.
Me: wouldn't say the same for you.
Mkhize: I would be careful how I speak to Mkhize because he has your package.
Me: mkhize would be careful how he speaks to me because I could end him.

He laughs and looks back at me.

Mkhize: ah, daddy trained you well, I see.
Me: Mkhize, where is my package?
Mkhize: straight to business, I like that.
Me: what do you want?
Mkhize: shares.
Me: in?
Mkhize: your businesses, even the shady ones.
Me: no.

I shoot all of the people he came with.

Mkhize: you're a mad man.
Me: I can get worse than this, please do try me, Mkhize.
Mkhize: I'll be back, this is not over.

He steps over the bodies and attempts to exit.

Me: nevermind, Mkhize. I already got my package.

I say as my dad and my uncle walking in carrying the bags with our package.

Mkhize: this is not over! I will be back!
Me: if you return, Mkhize, I will slaughter you, make you into tiny pieces and feed you to the dogs.

I don't even own a dog but he doesn't know that. He then runs off like the coward he is.

I drive back to my apartment and my dad calls as soon as I enter my bathroom.

Dad: your fiancé is here with your mom, just letting you know.
Me: thanks dad.

I get in the shower and take a long, hot shower. I get out and wear a grey Nike winter set.

I then discard of the clothes I was wearing today, they have drops of blood on them. I then call Sgora, one of our guards.

Me: is the job done?
Sgora: yes, they have all been removed and the warehouse has been cleaned.
Me: good.

I end the call and head to the living room with my laptop. I then finish off my assignments and submit them. I have exams soon and I'm fully prepared.

I decide to call the place where I'm getting Angela's push present from. I then get a call from my mom.

Me: ma.
Mom: you can fetch her now.

I laugh because I know their moods have changed and they're tired of each other now.

I get up to get my wife. I get in my car and off I go. I get to my parents house and I sit with my family for a while.

Nkosi: how is life, now that you're living alone, almost married and have a baby on the way?
Me: it's not easy, man.

I say as we scroll down my mother's garden.

Me: but I have a plan for my family and I'll do everything in my power to protect them and protect you, even if my own life is on the line. all that matters is that you are all safe and sound and healthy. I love you, little man.
Nkosi: I love you, big man.

I give him a hug and we walk back inside. I then take Angela's hand and we head to the car. We say our goodbyes and I drive us back to my apartment.

She falls asleep on the way there and truly, I don't blame her. She has been carrying a little person in her for months now, she ought to be exhausted.

We get to the apartment and I wake her up before we walk up holding hands.

I make the bed for her and she calls my name after I tuck her in.

Angela: can I please have some cereal?
Me: sure.

I head to the kitchen and make her some cereal and I get back to our room and hand it to her. She shakes her head and starts crying.

Me: babe, what's wrong?
Angela: I feel bad.
Me: why?

I say as I move closer to her and hold her hands.

Angela: because I asked you to make the cereal and you did but now, I don't want it anymore.

She continues sobbing but I just pull her in for a hug. I wipe her tears away.

Me: look at me.

She looks down when I say that. I then try speaking to her in a more soft and calm voice.

Me: baby, look at me. Thato, please.

She does as asked of her.

Me: it's okay, it's just cereal.

She shakes her and continues crying.

Me: look, I can eat it. I will eat it, will that make you feel better?
Angela: no.
Me: okay, forget about the cereal. what are you craving now?
Angel: Tinroof ice cream.
Me: okay, let's go downstairs and I'll get your Tinroof ice cream from the fridge and we can watch 'The Real Housewives of Johannesburg' together.

She giggles because she knows how much I hate these shows.

Angela: but baby, we finished that one.

That's true.

Me: then we'll watch another one of your shows, okay?

She nods and I wipe her tears away.

Me: now, come on.

She gets up and we head downstairs where we do everything I promised her we would.

Angela: I love you so much, Sibalukhulu.
Me: I love you too, mkami.

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