chapter 26

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Sunday, July 18th

I wake up at 05:00 and go down to the apartment gym. I finish my workout at 07:15 and I head upstairs.

I get in and there's no one at home so I assume they are at church. I take a shower and wear a some brown sweatpants and a black hoodie with white sneaker.

I head down to the kitchen and find a note on the fridge and it reads...

"I'm sorry but I just needed to be away from you, Kamari and I are going away for a while. We will be back, maybe."

I chuckle because I know she can't get far with my baby. I call my tech guy.

Guy: Mr. Dlamini.
Me: Sabelo, there is someone that I need you to track for me ASAP.
Guy: just send me the details and I'm on it, boss.

I do as asked of me and after a few minutes, he calls me and gives me Angela's location. She is currently at a mall which is 45 minutes away.

I grab a bottle of water, my phone and my keys. I run downstairs and head out. I drive at high speed because I really can't let her get away with my baby.

I get to the restaurant where she is with my child and her eyes widen as I approach.

I take my seat across from her and look into her eyes.

Me: one thing you will not do is run away with my child. if you want to leave then you can leave but you leave my daughter out of it. do this again and I'll hit you with massive kidnapping charges, you won't know what hit you.

I take my baby and Angela follows behind me.

Me: open this car.

I say as I approach her car and she does as asked of her. I take all of Makari's stuff and I place them in my car. I place her in her car seat and then into my car.

Me: when you are ready to grow up, you know where to find me.

I get in the car and start driving back home.

Monday, July 19th

I guess I am not going anywhere today, I rescheduled all of my meetings and it's just me and my baby today.

Anyway, I wake up and take a quick shower while she's asleep. After my shower, I lotion my body and wear a white Nike winter set. I also wear some white sneakers and a white beanie. I top it off with a black puffer and some shades.

I then bathe my baby and dress her up in the same thing that I'm wearing. I also comb out her beautiful afro and put it up in two puffs.

We head to the mirror and I take some pictures of us together before posting them on my app.

I make her some breakfast and while she eats, I get a text from my mom...

Mom: please come to the house, we are having a little celebration for Siyamthanda's birthday.

I totally forgot that it's Siyamthanda's birthday.

Anyway, I take Siyamthanda and place her in her car seat. I also grab her pram and place it in the trunk. I grab her diaper bag and some other essentials before we head to the mall. We have to get Siya a gift and some flowers for mom.

We get to the mall and we stroll down to Woolworth where I get some flowers. As I'm waiting in line, I hear a voice from behind me.

???: hey.
Me: hey.

She's this beautiful white woman, oh my, oh my.

???: is she yours?
Me: yes, she is.
???: she's beautiful.
Me: thanks...

I pause as I didn't really get her name.

???: Victoria, Victoria Swanepoel.
Me: Junior, Junior Dlamini.
Vic: what's this little one's name?
Me: Milani, Milani Dlamini.

Our conversation went on and on. Truly speaking? We have got quite a lot in common. Not that I'd entertain it though, I have a wife.

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