chapter 11

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Sunday, February 18th

Angela and I are currently driving to my apartment in my BMW i7.

The ride from KZN to Joburg hasn't been an easy journey. She was throwing up, she became emotional and started crying. I can't believe we still have 5 months of this.

I don't know, I think I want to run away and come back when she gives birth.

We finally get to my apartment and I take out all of her luggage and take it upstairs. I then go back to the car and wake her up.

We go into the elevator while holding hands. She is still tired, I don't want her missing her step or anything.

We get to my apartment and I run a bath for her. While she's in the bathtub, I decide to make the bed for her and get her something to eat. After making the bed, I order in two McDonald's meals.

I then make my way to her bags and take out her pajamas and slippers. I don't know if she'll want to wear these but it's worth a try.

She comes into the room with only a towel around her body. She wears her pajamas and I help her into bed because she's really tired.

Angela: you really didn't have to do all of this.
Me: yes, I did.

Once our food arrives, she comes down to eat it with me. She eats her food in pure silence and I have to say, this is the first I have ever seen her finish a meal.

Angela: I feel cold.

I run upstairs and get her my checker throw over. I also make her a warm cup of hot chocolate.

Me: hot chocolate, just the way you like it.

I say as I hand it to her and we both burst into fits of laughter.

Angela: you remembered?
Me: of course.

We sit and watch movies together until late at night.

Me: uhm Ang...
Angela: yes?
Me: look...

I say as I hold her hand, with the ring in mine.

Me: look, I know we didn't walk into this situation by choice but with our situation, traditional marriage and a baby on the way, I would like for us to try and make it work so please give me a chance to get to know you, learn you and love you with my all.

She nods with a huge smile on her face. I'd give anything to see that smile throughout my day.

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