Pt IV- Another 1st

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While leaving the resort Shivanna heard the whispering and felt the stares of her co workers. Her Supervisor walked up to them and asked the girl where she was going. Mr Fleming stepped in between them and advised the Supe that Shivanna no longer worked at the resort.
The Flemings took Shivanna by her flat so she  could pack the few things she did not want to leave behind and then they headed to the airport. The girl had never been on a plane and did not know what to expect. One by one each of them went thru the metal detector. Once thru she saw each person also get patted down. She stepped up for her turn and the man seemed to take a little bit of extra time. His hands slowly slid up her left leg then disappeared under her skirt. His fingers quickly probed inside her wet slit just as Mr Fleming approached. The man quickly stood and advised them she was cleared, then non chalantly began to suck on his finger. What she didnt see were the articles in Mrs Flemings purse that was being looked at, but she would soon find out herself. Mrs Fleming took her by the hand and the 3 of them walked to their loading area, none of them mentioning the incident. Shivanna expressed how nervous she was since she had never flown before. They still had some time before departure and Shivannas nervousness grew worse. She caught the 2 exchanged glances. "Rene take her in there and get her mind off the flight",  at which time Shivanna was told to follow the Missus into the restroom. "Shivanna I know your ass has not been played with but this is going to help you in the long run. " The girl watches as her Mistress pulls a small rubber object out of her purse and a tube of lube. "Lean over the sink, im going to try and make this as painless as possible". Shivanna feels the coldness of the lube and begins to get scared. She has always heard how much it hurts to have the tiny hole penetrated. She begins to feel what she believes is her Mistresses finger slowly working its way inside. "Thats it pet...breathe slowly...see its not so bad. Now keep breathing..." Shivanna winces as she feels a 2nd finger slip in the tightness. It hurts but not as others had described it. The Missus then began scissoring her fingers, trying to widen the entry. "Good girl pet, see not so bad. Move your hips, it will feel better. Yes...good. " Shivanna had to admit it felt more good then bad by this time. "Ok, now this might hurt just a little more. I want you to push back when you start to feel any pain." Right then she withdrew her fingers and Shivanna was pretty certain that her Mistress was now pushing the rubber object into the tightness. "Mistress," "Push pet...push will help." Right then Shivanna began to push and at the same time felt her Mistresses fingers on her wet mound as she continued to force the object into her rear. "Yes pet...good girl, its in. Breath....see its better. are so wet. Clean my fingers like a good pet." Shivanna parted her lips to clean her juices off her Mistresses fingers. Rene slowly helped her pet stand straight up, took a wet papertowel and  cleaned the tears off her face. "This will help you with the flight. Whenever you start to get scared squeeze your butt cheeks and believe me your thoughts will be carried away. " They slowly walked back out to the waiting area. Master patted the seat next to him for the girl to sit down and he left his hand, palm side up on the seat. Shivanna did as she was told. Master felt the base of the plug that was seated in the girls bum and tapped it a few times before removing his hand. "Good girl Shivanna, you are going to do so well with us. Now I want you to get up, walk in front of me 10 steps then bend over with your legs slightly spread and act like you are picking up something off the floor." He noticed Shivanna look at the other patrons waiting for their flight. "Pay them no mind and do as you're told." The girl slowly stood feeling the plug with every movement. After the 10th step she quickly looked both ways and bent over, wincing out in discomfort, then stood back up. "Mmm Rene, the plug looks nice and so does all the wetness. Good girl pet, go sit and relax."

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