Pt XIV- Switch

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"Lets go make some sandwiches for lunch and then take a bike ride. Harris is still in town and there really isnt much else to do."
They packed a small picnic and set out on one of the dirt bike tracks riding thru areas of the island that Shivanna had yet to see. Finally making it to the top of a cliff they could see the endless ocean.
"This is one of my favorite spots. I bring Neo here a lot." He then seemed to drift off into his thoughts. Shivanna spread the sheet and the food.  As they ate Rowan decided to bring up Harris and his actions from earlier.
"Did you see the change in him? It almost felt as if he was on the verge of "uncaring".
"Im glad it wasnt just me then. I tried to blame it on the fact that maybe he has never been on that side of the flogger, inexperience, but his whole manner was off." shivanna responded.
Rowan thought for a minute, "i have a feeling deep down he is a switch. He has only  known pain and doing for others his entire life but inside he also needs to feel in control sometimes."
"Rowan i dont know what a switch is."
He looked surprised then replied,"a switch is a person, male or female that feels the need to be Dom and sub but not at the same time.Mistress is a good example." Shivanna agreed that could be the reason but she still had an uneasy feeling about the rest of the 2wks. This would also explain why he wanted to see her get her punishment in the car when Harris picked them up from the airport.
"Vanna i need to apologize for earlier...when i woke the jacuzzi. I never want you to feel uncomfortable around me, and i wasnt thinking when i knelt beside you." Shivanna quickly blushed as the vision popped back in her head. They quickly hugged then gathered up their picnic. On the ride back they joked, sang and raced.
Riding into the yard they saw Harris grilling out by the pool.
"Hey strangers...where have you been." Rowan told him about their bike ride as Shivanna went into the kitchen to put their items away and to start a salad.
She looked up suddenly when she heard Harris raise his voice to Rowan. Rowan then turned on his heel and pushed the bikes to the barn.
Harris was done grilling after about an hour and she had warmed some beans and corn on the cob. The table was set but Rowan had not come back up to the house. Shivanna ran to the barn while Harris cleaned up. She found Rowan asleep in a stall and decided not to wake him.
During dinner Harris admitted he may have gotten too upset while explaning to Rowan that they should have left a note for him saying where they had gone.  Dinner talk was very quiet afterwards.
"Ill put everything away. Thank you for grilling Harris." Harris nodded and walked quietly to his room off the garage.
Shivanna made a plate for Rowan and took it out to him. As he ate she told him about what Harris said. "Please dont stay upset. What he said makes sense, its the way he said it to you that turned the entire situation upside down. Ok give me a hug. Im going to go run a hot bubble bath to ease some of the bouncy aches and pains from my bum."
The next few days things seemed pretty normal except the quietness between the 2 fellas. Shivanna decided to stay out of it. 
At the end of the 1st week Harris decided to do 1 on 1 play time sessions. He said he wasnt able to provide the attention to us as he is sure Master would want. Rowan went 1st. Altogether his lasted maybe 30 min to include clean up. I then headed down to the room. "Ok up on the table for you missy. We are going to try this flogger. It is so thick. Hmmm what else." When he came back to the table he had shivanna scoot down to the very edge of the table and brought up extensions for her legs to rest up on. After strapping her legs on and her arms out straight anove her head he placed a blindfod over her eyes. Shivanna suddenly became nervous. "Harris im never put in this position."
"Hush now, this just gives me easier access for the flogger. Mmm and its also time to change out that plug. " Shivanna tried to relax behind the blindfold but was very uneasy.
Harris reach down and quickly snatched the plug from its place making shivanna gasp out. "Ok this one will stretch you a little..." as he carelessly shoved the new wider plug into the hole. "HARRIISS!!"... "Its ok...the quicker its done the less pain. Ok lets get started".  The lashes of the flogger seemed to hit her more tender areas: under the breasts, where the buttocks meet her thighs even the bottom of her feet. The last 3 squarely hitting the juncture of her spread legs causing her to scream. " finished with that. Its ok..."  Shivanna then feels the palm of his hand on the tender area. "Let me make it better..mmm...see...(as his finger quickly dips in and out) little girl maybe Master should think of turning you into a pain slut because you are very wet." Harris please stop. You know im not to be touched."
"Shivanna what did Mistress tell you...that im in charge and to do as told? Yes i think so exactlly. So im telling you to hush and let me finish my...ooppss  your playtime." Soon after she felt him standing between her legs. The rubbing continued as his words kept repeating in her mind and she couldnt argue the fact. She was suddenly jolted from her thoughts when she felt Harris force himself into her wetness. All she could do was scream out. HARRIISSS...NOOO...Master doesnt even.....nooooo..." She couldnt move and the screams are heard by no one. After no more then 5 hard thrusts he was spent, leaving the evidence dribbling out of her. He quickly undid the straps and told her to do her chore as he ran out the room cursing himself.

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