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Hello! I'm Scott Hoying, and this is the story of how my pack came to be. From the highs to the lows, and everything in between, we've been through more adventures and life-threatening events than any other werewolf(ves) in recorded history.

My pack is small, consisting of only five including myself, but it has ties that reach far and wide. This throws people who find us off a little when they compare our feats to the pack's physical appearance. But never judge a book by its cover, right? That's what my dad always told me, anyway...

A word from our author:


Hey readers, it's been a while. I can imagine a lot of the people who used to be on here have moved on with their lives, off the bigger and better things. The same applies to me, though it happens that fate has led me back to writing. That being said, I've got some plans for this account. Firstly, I'm easing back into this by writing a short story over the summer. Be sure to check out Hunt: The Sin of Sloth if it interests you, as that is what I am giving my complete focus to until completion. It should be finished by season's end, and then we move on. Secondly, I'm giving some of my old works a polish. You'll probably notice the editing alerts I've attached to some titles. After finishing my summer project, I will be cleaning up just about everything. Keep an eye out for any posts I give on updates and I'll see you around the app. Anyway, enjoy this story, and feel free to leave me feedback in the comments. Byeeeeee~

Jk! This is a prologue! And as such, I give you the pro...pre? What ever! Here's what happened before the first chapter!

"Son, have a seat." Rick said, gesturing to the chair beside him. Scott slowly took his place on the seat and watched his father with confusion.

The man was getting old; down right. He was stressing over something, Scott just didn't know what!

"You know our pack, right?" Rick asked, finally looking at his son. Scott gave Rick a look and narrowed his eyes.
"Of course. I've grown up with them my entire life." Scott confirmed.
"Good. Good. Now," Rick placed a hand on Scott's back.", there is something that I've been meaning to ask you for a while now and I feel with you going to your second year of high school, this would be the perfect time."

Scott blinked rapidly at his father, lips in a thin line. He wasn't sure where this was going, but if it involved chores, Scott was out.
"I'll just say it. You need to start making a pack. Ya know? Start looking for other werewolves your age and stick together. Everyone knows wolves are stronger in packs." Rick chuckled slightly.
"Dad, I-"
"I'm not going to rush it. I understand that taking on this kind of responsibility requires getting to know people well before adding them to the pack. I'm just saying, if you ever want to be an Alpha, you've got to get a strong pack to back yourself up." Rick finished.

Scott sighed and rubbed his temples. This was something that he had never even wanted to grasp and now it was being shoved in his face.

He couldn't have a pack! Hell, he didn't even know if he had it in him to even be an Alpha!

Nevertheless, he wanted to make his father proud. Even if that meant have an anxiety attack with the stress of maintaining a pack.
"Alright. I'll start looking for people." Scott said.

And with that, his fate was sealed.

A week later...
"Hey, Scotty boy. Found any pack members yet?" Rick asked, his head peaking into Scott's room.
"Not yet, dad." Scott groaned.

And almost every week for the entire summer, Rick found a way to pester Scott about pack members.

So when school started, Scott found that as a perfect opportunity to shut his father up.

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