Season 2 Episode 2: Full Moon

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In the band room, Roman warmed up his voice. He and a few other teens. Three others, to be exact."I think we're ready," Roman smirked. "I'd say so. The crowd is gonna go wild." One of the others smiled.

Kirstie entered, gently closing the door behind her, "Roman?," She took notice of the others, "Oh... hello." She smiled.

Roman walked up to Kirstie, grabbing her hand and kissing it, "I'm glad you could make it." He smiled, staring into her eyes. Kirstie has been mesmerized for a moment. The clearing of someone's throat brought them from their spacing.

"Aren't you gonna introduce us?" One of the teens said in a thick British accent, standing up. Roman rolled his eyes, "I'd like you to meet my siblings. Iris, Aura, And Aren."

Kirstie smiled, "Kirstie." She offered, earning smiles in return.
"So, Roman? How'd you manage to bag a cutie like this? She's hot. And you're... not." Aura snickered. Kirstie blushed at the completement. She's never really considered her beauty from the view of women from the LGBT community.
"I sold my soul." Roman snarked.
Iris chuckled, "We're just pokin' fun. Don't go gettin' your panties in a twist." She said. Her accent was American, more to Kirstie's attuned ears.

Roman crosses his arms, "You guys can head home. I'll catch up later." He dismissed. The siblings gathered their things. "Geez. Excuse us for being nice." Aren snickered, walking past Kirstie with a wink. The two sisters followed him out.

Once alone, Roman smiled brightly, "I apologize for them. They're a pain." Instantly, Kirstie thought of the boys minus Mitch, "I can relate."

Roman sat on a bleacher, patting the one next to him. Kirstie took a seat, sighing, "So what did you want to see me about?"

Roman took a deep breath and let it out, "I wanted to make a change to our date. I have a better place for us to meet. I've only been in this town a while and I've already found a beautiful place." He said.

Kirstie's brows rose. Beautiful? The most beautiful thing she had seen in this town was watching the boys get bitch slapped around by Jake. But she also suffered the painful dosing, "What did you have in mind?"
"There's a lake past the mountain. It's absolutely stunning at night. I actually went to go visit it the night I had met you. I was heading home from there." Roman smiled.
"Sounds decent. I'll bite." Kirstie smiled.

Roman beamed, his cheeks reddening, "I... I suppose that's all I really wanted to ask you. But I like spending time with you."

Kirstie's cheeks reddened, "I... I appreciate your company, as well." She admitted.

Roman opened his mouth to say something, but his phone went off:
Tweedle-Dee: Mum said she wants u home ASAP. I'm ready for a showww

Roman groaned and stood up, "I... I have to leave. I'm sorry, it's my mom. She seems to have the worst timing lately."
"Oh. Okay. I'll see you tomorrow at ten?" Kirstie asked, standing. "Definitely." Roman smiled.

Roman ran out, waving goodbye once more to Kirstie. Kirstie watched him walk out before sighing heavily, running a hand through her hair. She was thinking of dying it on Saturday in preparation for she and Roman's date. She finally left the room and headed to the bus area so she could catch hers.

Avi groaned in annoyance as he was dragged to the basement by Rick, his eyes glowing. They had two hours before the moon was on full display, so they had to begin preparing.

Everyone followed, each holding an item to contribute. Chains from Kirstie, hand cuffs from Kevin, a blanket from Mitch, and a chair from Scott.

Rick held Avi against a large metal pole in the center of the basement while Kirstie wrapped the chains. Kevin brought Avi's hands around the pole and put the hand cuffs on, tightening them almost harshly. Mitch gently wrapped the blanket around Avi before hugging him, "We're right here."

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