Season 2 Episode 6: Smith Pack

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"I recall there being a girl with you the last time we met. Where is she?" Skye asked.

"She... we don't know. I must've been hit on the head, a lot. I barely remember anything." Scott answered, running a hand through his messy hair. He had been stressing about the vivid image he had been gettingg. It was blurry, but in it a person could be made out leaving through double doors. He had strained himself to a nosebleed trying to remember who it was, or at least clear up the memory enough to get a clear look at the face.

Mitch came down the stairs, slowly. Hands firmly gripping the banister and wall as he took each step carefully. On the last one, he tripped, but he was caught by the Alpha, whom was sitting down mere moments ago.

"Thank you." Mitch said as she helped him down the rest of the steps. She continued to help him until he was sitting safely on the sofa alongside his friends.

Jadon frowned, "What if it was a gang of hunters?"

Skye pulled Jadon into a hug and rubbed his arm slowly, "It couldn't have been hunters. Whatever attacked them was a creature. And we'll find out what and find a way to stop it. We've done it, before."

After a while of rubbing, Jadon seemed to have calmed down enough to be let go, but he still seemed a little on edge.

Alesha sighed, "We'll figure this out. For now, you all need to rest up and get your strength."

Avi came down the stairs, soon, "Where is he?!" He snarled from the bottom step.

Hailey slapped him across the head, "Stop yelling."

"Where is who?" Nate asked.

"Roman!" Avi shouted, earning another slap. He rubbed his head, finding Haley was surprisingly strong for her stature.

Alesha sighed, "Does this Roman have a last name?"

All of them stayed silent. Avi realized that he'd spent all this time obsessing over bringing this guy down and didn't know anything about him. Not even his last name. He felt like an idiot. He ran in more than blind. He ran in blind, deaf, and dumb.

Jadon started dancing around, finding the silence awkward.
"What are you doing?" Skye asked.
"Dancing... duh." Jadon shrugged as he started doing the walking man around the couches.

"When will the others be back?" Nate asked.
"They should be back any minute." Alesha said.
"You have more pack members?" Scott asked.

Jadon smiled, "You're gonna love them! Especially Matt and Charlie!"

It seemed that the mention of names summoned a knock of five on the door. Skye walked over, answering it and stepping aside. In walked seven people, all of whom seemed to be teens, carrying large bags full of food and other things.

Once one of the taller ones placed down his bags, Jadon, quite literally, tackled him in a hug, "Charlie!" The teen laughed and hugged his friend back.

The other members of the pack, Haley, Skye, and Nate, approached them and they all greeted each other with jokes and hugs. Most of the hugs were given out by Jadon.

The tallest of the entire pack seemed to be to himself, nodding to his pack members and moving the bags to the kitchen.

Avi decided to help the guy out, grabbing a few bags and bringing them into the kitchen, "You looked like you could use some help." He said.

"It's fine. It was my turn to do it. Next time, it's Mariah's turn." The boy said, back turned to Avi. He turned and offered a soft, thankful smile.

The Pack (Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon