Season 2 Episode 5: This is War

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Scott sighed as he pulled out the Hoying Bestiary, flipping through page after page until he finally found the beginning entry on sirens. It was a brief description of what the beasts were and what they did.

Mitch did the best he could to help, searching the Internet for a Wikipedia entry. Turns out there was one.

Avi was gathering things they'd need. Earplugs, suits, etc.. They had to look the part.

Kevin flipped through his small hand book, chewing his cheek as he read over his writings on Greek siren lore.

"Do the 'Muses' ring a bell?" Mitch asked as he read the entry.

Kevin stood and walked over, resting a hand on Mitch's shoulder as he read the entry. He had heard of them before, but only a mention, "Alright. That's helpful for later, but now we need to get Kirstie away from him and safely back here."

Scott nodded as he closed the bestiary, "Then I guess we're going to the dance."

Avi smirked as he came in with tuxedos, "Let's get spiffy, shall we?"


Kirstie stood in the corner of the room beside the folding bleachers. The gym was set with blue, illuminating lights to set the mood for the 'romantic' atmosphere everyone was soon to be set in. Teens started pouring in in flocks, friend groups and cliques all walking in with the intention of a fun time.

She checked her phone, finding she had been standing there a full twenty minutes without a single sign of Roman or his siblings on stage. She took a deep, calming breath and waited. She wanted to hear them play.

Everyone else in the room seemed pretty occupied as the teachers blasted currently popular songs on the speakers from an iPod, dancing around and laughing.

Kirstie watched them, feeling a small swirl of nervousness in her stomach when she realized she had never actually danced before. She'd never been given a reason or the time to do such. And now, she was going to dance the night away with a guy she met not even a week ago. It felt surreal. Like it was too good to be true. She was really hoping her instincts were wrong and that a good thing can come from seemingly nowhere without being bad, but she had a feeling she couldn't shake.

She still waited there patiently until eventually, the doors were closed, showing most of the guests had arrived. She was hoping she wouldn't have to wait much longer. Her prayers were answered.

The school guidance counselor walked briskly onto the stage as the music slowly faded, "Good evening, students! I hope you're having fun!" She got a few cheers and nods from the crowd, "Good! And the fun doesn't end yet! We'd like for you to warmly welcome tonight's live performers! Make some noise for Thymos!"

The crowd started to cheer as the woman made her way off of the stage. Soon, Roman and his siblings walked onto the stage. They didn't have instruments, which confused a few people, but nevertheless they wanted to hear what they had.

Roman looked to his siblings, getting small nods from them all to show they were ready. He turned his head back to the microphone and spoke, "Thank you all for being here. This song is called War."

Iris started to beatbox, and surprisingly it was good. A few people started vibing to the beat she was building up.

Roman added a steady bass, causing more people to dance along.

Kirstie didn't find this half bad. She tapped her foot softly.

Aren and Aura joined together in a soft melody, and soon Aura started to sing the words,

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