Season 2 Episode 7: Hunting Season

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Iris tapped her foot impatiently as her siblings sat around her, "This was a bad idea. Why'd we have to choose a werewolf of all things? Couldn't it have been, like, a Madremonte or something? You know that doing this with werecreatures is extremely risky and dangerous. They have the highest chance of going haywire."
"Yeah, But they're also the strongest and most powerful, and right now we need that. They're coming, and we need all the protection we can get." Roman shrugged.

Aren rolled her eyes, "We got the wolf chick. End of story. Too late to turn back. All we have to worry about is the rest of her pack trying to come and get her. But we don't have to worry very much. They're weak, so we can handle them in our own if things get too hairy for our safety."

Roman sat in a lazy boy, hand petting Kirstie's head. Her eyes were closed, but her posture was upright and attentive, "We'll send her to get rid of them. That way, our hands are clean."

Aura sighed heavily. She was having second thoughts about who they chose. She sorta felt that there were more effective, more easy options to go about, but Roman already cast the spell, so it was too late.
Iris smirked, "I guess you better send her out, then. It's dark out, so she can go through easily."
Roman nodded and removed his hand from Kirstie. He sang a low, steady note.

Kirstie's eyes opened, revealing the wild, emerald green. They looked dangerous. Ready to kill. Within seconds, she was gone.

Roman's eyes widened, "Geez she's fast."

"I'm annoyed that this doesn't concern you." Aura frowned.

Roman raised a brow, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, she's more than powerful. She's a fucking tank. What happens when she finally bites back on us? It's not like we can reverse the spell and at this rate, she'd kill us all." Aura explained.

Roman shrugged, "Cross that bridge, you know?"

Aura rolled her eyes, "Whatever. I'm gonna go take a nap." And with that, she left the room.
"Run!" A girl said, sprinting for her life through the woods. Her brother was right by her side, running as fast as his little legs could carry him.

The harsh stomp of boots and the bright radiance of lights darting around as their pursuers chased them made the entire situation one of dire circomstance.

The little boy was scared. He was crying his eyes out, but he still ran with his elder sister. He couldn't even have to time truly assess the situation at hand. All he could do was run and sob alongside his sister.

A light flashed on them from the front, startling the boy to a halt. His sister dove, grabbing him and rolling out of the way as a bullet was fired, hitting the ground with a harsh noise.

She ran with him in her arms, panting as she started moving faster. She's be damned if her brother died and she didn't try to save him.
She finally came up to a canyon. On the other side of the canyon, a few miles forward, was a small town. A town that seemed to be sleeping, by now.

She looked at her frightened brother, "Listen to me. I'm going to throw you over. You find someone to take care of you. And keep our secret, Okay?" She could feel the harsh sting of tears as he brother gave a solemn nod.

She took a deep breath and her eyes glowed. She changed the way she was holding him, and with all of her strength she threw him.

He flailed like mad as he cleared over the canyon, looking at the darkness below. He landed with a thud, sliding a little bit. Once he stopped, he looked up, staring at his sister.

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