Season 3 Episode 1: Bird Lullabies

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          Mitch clawed frantically at the walls of his rounded prison. His cheeks drenched in sweat and tears, his vision blurry. He had been doing this for so long, he soon wasn't able to maintain his transformation. He dropped to his knees in defeat and sobbed loudly, screaming for help. Calling for Kirstie, Scott, anyone. His voice was hoarse and scratchy. Eventually, he heard the noise again. The sound of a shrill cry. A bird, perhaps. It terrified him. Everytime he heard it, he got hotter. So hot. He was getting so hot, and it was painful. The walls started to scorch, again. He pulled himself into a ball as tight as he could and screamed, the sound joining the cry of the unseen bird.


          Kirstie watched Mitch as he slept. As he tossed and turned, growing sweatier by the second. She didn't know what to do, but she hated seeing someone she loved in such dismay. She had the A/C on full blast, but he was still sweating like he was sitting in a sauna. She eventually couldn't take it anymore, and left the room.

          She paced downstairs, her phone burning a whole in her pocket as she considered calling someone. Anyone. Finally, she overlooked her pride and dialed the number.
          Scott picked up. He sounded tired, liked he'd been woken up.
          "Something's wrong with Mitch. He's getting worse. His nightmares are getting worse." Kirstie turned to the stairs and began walking back up them.
          "How bad is it?" Scott asked. From what Kirstie could hear from the other line, he was putting some pants on.
          "Well, he's sweating profusely and my thermostat is at 40° Fahrenheit." She said as she opened the bedroom door. Her eyes widened and she nearly dropped the phone when she saw what she saw.
          "Try and wake him up." Scott said, "I'm on my way."
          "There's one little problem," Kirstie tightened her grip on the phone, "He's gone."


          "And he just vanished?" Avi asked. Kirstie took a deep breath, nodding quickly.
          Scott was sitting at the counter, staring blankly at the knife in front of him. He tapped his foot on the floor, trying to calm his racing mind as to what could have happened to Mitch.

          "We can worry about the 'how' later. Right now, we need to find him and make sure he's safe." Kevin said.
          "I was thinking the same thing." Matt said.
          The group of betas moved up to Mitch's room and grabbed things to try and catch a scent. Blankets, shirts. Avi, begrudgingly, grabbed a pair of Mitch's boxers. He earned a strange look from everyone.
          "Look! Do we want to find him or not?" Avi said, throwing his hands up with the blue checkered boxers in hand.
          "Of course we do... but really? You couldn't have grabbed a sock?" Scott asked.
          "You're calling me a creep in your minds, but when I'm the first one to find him you'll all be beating yourselves up." Avi huffed.
          "Pretty sure that won't be happening." Kirstie shook her head.
          Avi rolled his eyes and balled up the boxers, taking a quick whiff. He was, surprisingly, not surprised that they didn't smell like the normal rankness of a teenage boy's nether regions. But instead, of a sweet vanilla. And perhaps a little strawberry? Kirstie quickly reached over and snatched them from Avi.
          Scott took a smell of Mitch's favorite shirt. A band crop top. Almost immediately, he was hit with a scent. He sniffed around the room, following his nose to the window, "I think I've got it." He opened the window and leapt out, followed shortly after by the other teenagers.

          Scott, Kirstie, Matt, Kevin, and Avi followed the scent through the streets of Acrata. Sooner or later, they spotted Mitch. He was asleep against an old Oak tree, no signs of discomfort or strife. He looked peaceful resting against the tree. Like an angel.
          Kirstie approached him and knelt beside him. She gave him a light tap, and then a small shake when he didn't wake up. His eyes opened slowly, a small smile on his face when he saw her. He quickly realized he wasn't where he had fallen asleep, and stood to his feet. He saw the boys standing there, looking at him. He frowned, turning to Kirstie, "What happened?"
          Kirstie looked to the boys for a helpful explanation. Scott scratches the back of his head, Avi licked his beard, and Matt and Kevin both thought.
          "Uh... you were sleepwalking. Really, really far." Kirstie said, fast. She put her hands into her jacket pockets and smiled to her friend, who only furrowed his brows and ran a hand through his hair.
          Matt's face was blank and unreadable. Kevin nudged him, asking what was on his mind. He shook his question off quickly, pulling out his phone. He turned to the rest of the group, "It's past my curfew. I have to go."

          Kevin watched Matt disappear into the darkness of the woods, his brows furrowed. Something was off, and part of him thought it had to do with Mitch's nightmares and Matt's strange behavior. He hated to think that Matt would become someone they couldn't trust, but he was definitely on his watchlist, now.


          Mitch sat on the bleachers in gym, watching the other boys and girls participate in the arranged activities. He didn't feel well, so he asked to sit down. It was weird. What he wouldn't do to have some music right now. Maybe some Avril Lavigne. Yeah, that sounded nice. Help him forget about whatever was going on with him. Forget about the vivid dreams. Forget the feeling of being vulnerable and unprotected. Like he was a target. He hated that.

          A boy sat down next to Mitch, sighing softly. Mitch glanced to him, and blushed a little. He was very handsome. The boy leaned against the metal of the bleachers and looked at Mitch for a second. He gave a soft smile. A smile of invitation.
          "Hey." He said, turning himself to face the smaller male a little.
          "Uh... hi." Mitch said awkwardly, brushing his hair behind his ear. A sheepish smile crept onto his face as he turned to the boy.
          "Name's Beau." The boy said. He flipped his messy hair out of his eyes, giving Mitch a better look at the hazel masterpieces. Mitch felt her could melt.
          "Mitch." He replied, scooting a little closer.

          Beau and Mitch talked for the rest of the class, eventually exchanging numbers as the bell rang. As Mitch walked out, his eyes widened when he saw he didn't step into the school's halls, but into an autumn forest. The warmth of a fading summer accompanied by falling leaves of brown, yellow, and red. He furrowed his brows as he gathered his surroundings, "How did I get here?"

          The sound of a soft chirp joined the softly winds of nature. Mitch's ears perked up as he listened for the sound again. The bird sang once more, this time a little closer. The crunch of the dried and dead leaves sounded as he walked through, drawn to the sound of other life. He walked, and walked, and walked until he found a tree.
          The tree stood old, it's branches twisting in age. From where Mitch was, he could see a large bird's nest on one of the highest branches. His eyes glowed a bright yellow as he saw something large swoop at the nest. It shook and shifted until, eventually, the baby bird waiting inside came tumbling down the tree. Mitch's eyes widened as he watched it fall, and before he knew it he was charging, ready to catch the bird. He dove, clasping his hands around the bird before pulling it into his chest and rolling through the brush. He painted softly as he felt to see if the bird was in pain. He sighed in relief when the chicks head popped out between his thumbs, a chirp coming from it. He smiled in relief as he let the chick talk around on his hands. He felt calm, knowing the bird was alright.

          Little did Mitch know that as soon as the bird made contact with him, the forest around him was set ablaze. Ruthless flames frantically and aggressively consuming the calm forest, devouring trees and leaves all over. But Mitch didn't notice. He couldn't. For him, everything was normal and beautiful. He was safe. A sudden warmth washed over him. He sighed in content, and rested his head in the leaves. He closed his eyes, and before he knew it he was asleep.

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