Season 2 Episode 17: Hunting Season

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Matt's eyes glowed as he went deeper and deeper into the tunnel. His eyes scanned the area as he took slow, silent steps. He soon found himself shoving his hands into his pockets. He was cold. Almost freezing.

A steel door stood in his way, and he started to pick up the soft sound of voices. He pulled out his phone and went to his voice memos, looking for a certain file. He put ear plugs into his ears and pressed play. A strange, ear piercing sound played and the door gave a sharp click, showing it's unlocking. Matt paused the clip and turned off his phone, pushing open the door.

Inside was brightly lit. There were a few things inside, each sitting on low pedestals. A jar full of dark ashes, a glass ball encasing a dull, blue stone, and a headpiece full of bright orange feathers. A soft smile crept onto the werewolf's face, "Perfect."


Mitch swung a punch at Roman, but Roman caught it. The siren twisted, and we to pin Mitch down. However, Kirstie wasn't having it. She gripped him by the head and threw him backwards. Roman landed on his side, grunting as he hit the ground.

Kirstie started approaching him, her breathing becoming more uneven and animalistic with every step. She felt anger rise in her, and suddenly everything went red. A soft steam started to rise from her body. She let out a breath, hot and full of energy. She had more power than she knew what to do with. Roman felt his blood run cold. He couldn't believe things came to this. However, he didn't feel like dying here. Not when they had come so close. He took a deep breath, and let out a loud scream in his true voice. A sharp, ear piercing sound hit Kirstie hard. So hard that she was physically being pushed back.

Aura punched Avi in the chest, and then in the head. He groaned, stumbling back slightly. He leered at Aura with burning yellow eyes. Aura ignored him, moving on the help Roman with Kirstie. However, she was tackled by Scott and Kevin. The trio tumbling through the grass, Aura trying to escape the clutches of the werewolves. Scott and Kevin each got a firm grasp and threw her. With a heavy boom, the two were sent flying upwards. Aura was singing in a high falsetto.

Kirstie went to throw a punch at Roman, but she was hit on the head with an object of unknown origin. It didn't hurt her, but it definitely caught her attention. And soon, it burst open. A thick smoke soon started to cover the field, and a hard cough erupted from everyone.

Mitch felt like his body was losing energy. Before he knew it, he could barely stand. His hearing started to ring, and his vision grew blurry. Soon, the sounds of gun fire started to erupt. It was madness. He started hearing people shouting, and he saw people running around. Before he knew it, he was being carried off. He saw Roman drop dead, a man holding a gun behind him. He was so scared he didn't know what to focus on first. And then he realized that his friends were also here.
His eyes scanned the area for his friends. He saw someone carrying Scott away, and he saw someone escorting Kirstie away. He was slightly relieved that he and his friends were being taken from the situation. But that was short lived when he felt a slap to his cheek. His eyes drifted up, and he was able to focus on the face of his rescuer. It was Jadon, from the Smith pack.
"Get the fuck up! We have to go!" Jadon shouted at Mitch, setting him to his feet. He gripped his hand and continued to sprint away from the battlefield.
The two ran until they couldn't anymore, and until Jadon was certain they weren't in the area, anymore.
"What... happened?" Mitch panted. He felt like he was about to faint.
"The hunters. They're here. The Kirks are here." The boy explained.
"I've heard of them. They're the family that wiped out Gretchen City, right?" Mitch asked. He received a slow, solemn nod from the boy.
"But why are they here?"
"That, I don't know." Jadon answered.
"Do you have a guess?" Mitch said, gently biting the inside of his cheek.
"The sirens." The boy shrugged, "We have to get you back to our pack house."

With little delay, the duo made their way through the woods. The soft crunch of leaves was their only sound, as they didn't not speak in fear of being followed. After what felt like seconds short of a century, the house came into view. Jadon, at this point, started sprinting. Mitch, however, was too exhausted to run. He didn't understand how people had such energy. Sometimes, it startled him.

He soon entered the house and closed the door behind himself. He was met with a few of his friends and Alesha's pack. They all seemed to be gathered around a table. He couldn't see what they were so interested in, but part of him chose not to care. Then, he heard a soft crackle. It sounded like fire. Mitch looked around. There wasn't a fire place in the house. He went to the others gathered to ask if they heard, and as he approached it got even louder.almost deafening. He had to cover his ears. It was driving him crazy. The room started to spin, and he felt himself not able to stand. And then, everything went black.

And then Mitch heard it. The screech of a bird. And he felt as if he was on fire. His skin was liken to an inferno. An eternal flame, with no sign of extinguishing. He wanted to scream, but he soon felt it all go away. His eyes opened, and he was met with the worried eyes of his acquaintances. He furrowed his brows, looking around. The sound was gone. He slowly sat up, and felt something sloshing around in his mouth. He wiped his mouth, pulling his hand back to see a black substance. He spat as much of it as he could out, but part of him knew he had swallowed it.
Mitch's eyes scanned the people staring at him, and he soon made eye contact with Matt. His expression was dark, but not dangerous. As if scolding, but wondering what was to come from whatever he did.
Scott helped Mitch up, and brought him to a chair, "Are you okay? Did you break anything?" He asked, inspecting his friend closely.
All Mitch could do was stare at Scott. He didn't know if he hit his head too hard, but he felt as though he could see clearly. He saw everything Scott was. And everything he was meant to be. When Scott looked at him, he saw ruby red irises staring down at him with care. The eyes of an Alpha gliding over him as he was being inspected. He jumped back when he looked at the rest. It was a terrifying scene.

Kirstie has her same green, berserker eyes. However, Avi had stone grey eyes. Kevin had iron teeth. Most of the Smith pack members were bleeding, and some weren't even in complete pieces.

Mitch didn't realize it, but he was screaming at the top of his lungs. He couldn't stop. It was too much. Whatever was going on, it was not good. The others tried to pin Mitch as best they could, but eventually Matt had to sedate him.

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