Season 2 Episode 13: Boom

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Scott sighed heavily as he plopped down onto the lazy boy, running his hand through his toddler hair.

Mitch was sitting on the couch, Kirstie's head in his lap. He slowly and gently pet her hair, "We did it."

Scott smiled. He felt a sense of accomplishment rushover him. This was the first thing he did without the help of his family. Just him and his friends.

Mitch looked up to Scott, blushing when he saw Scott staring at him. He would've looked away as to reveal his shy nature, but he didn't. He felt himself smiling brightly. His grin only got wider when he saw Scott grow a smile.

The, rather tender, moment was interrupted when Avi cleared his throat, "Yo."

Mitch looked down, smile still there. Scott gave a soft eye roll and turned to Avi, "What?"

"Am I interrupting something between you and your boyfriend or...?"

"He's not my boyfriend." Scott said, probably more defensively than he meant it to be.

Avi held up his arms in faux defense, "Woah! Okay then, prickly ass." He limped over, taking a seat beside him.

Scott scoffed and rolled his eyes. He would've looked over to see Mitch's reaction, but he felt he already knew what it was. He should apologize when he get's the chance. He shook the thought and turned to Avi, "What do you want?"

"Well, I was thinking about something. What if we tried to pick off the sirens one at a time instead of going at them as a group?" Avi suggested. He tensed his shoulders a bit as he waited for his reply.

Scott thought about it. It would definitely be helpful. However, he knew that the sirens were dangerous and very strong. He'd have to think carefully about how he goes about it.

Kevin was leaning against the doorway, listening in. He was already formulating an idea. All he had to do was set things up. As it stood, he was probably going to completely incapacitate a siren. He would have to find a different place to secure his plan, though.

Mitch sighed, "I'll stay here and nurse Kirstie. She needs somebody, right now. You guys go take care of the sirens."

Scott understood. He knew Kirstie would probably be more comfortable and calm seeing Mitch when she woke. He gave an agreeing nod, "Alright. Avi, go get Matt and Kevin. Today, we even up the score."

Iris sighed as she closed her locker. She was so stressed out she couldn't even think straight. And to add to the pressure she had four tests today. She looked to her toes, taking a deep breath before she looked up to come face to face with a sticky note.

"I amplify the party, sometimes to much. Come to the gym and find what to touch."

Iris was baffled both by the message and what was fast enough to put it there. Nevertheless, her curiosity got the best of her. She thought about what could amplify a party. Booze? Drugs? Sexual promise? All things she wouldn't find at school, at least not in the open. She tried thinking of something else. And then, it hit her.


The riddle was talking about speakers. And she knew just where to find them. She turned down the hallway and began walking.

Once to the entrance she noticed is was unbelievably dark inside. She entered, feeling around for the light switch. Once she found it, she was even more confused.

There were speakers set up everywhere. On the bleachers, on the stage, all over the floor. And in the center was one giant speaker.

She raised a brow as she continued forward, "What kind of sick joke is this?"

"The kind I pull when you mess with people I care about." A voice said.

Kevin stepped from behind the speaker, microphone in hand.

Iris raised a brow, "Wolf? Oh boy, I'd like to see what one of you drooling mutts could do."

Kevin took a deep breath and stood in the center of the gym, holding out the microphone, "Sing."

Iris was taken back by the demand, "What?"

"Sing, siren." Kevin repeated.

Iris chuckled, "You really want me to sing? It's like you want to die or something."

Kevin didn't budge. Even his eyes stayed perfectly firm.

Iris sighed and cleared her throat, "Alright."

She opened her mouth and sang a short note. A purple wave surged towards Kevin.

Kevin flicked a switch on the microphone. As soon as the wave touched the microphone, a piercing noise rang. Iris shrieked in pain, "You bastard!"

Kevin remained still.

Iris gathered her footing and glared, singing louder and for longer. The same thing happened. Noise started piercing through the gym. The speakers shook as they released more than they would in their lifespan.

Kevin narrowed his eyes as his ears started to bleed. He knew he'd probably die right here and right now, but he was willing to risk it. He cranked up the volume.

Iris only sang louder. At this point, the human harmony of her voice was gone and the power of her siren voice showed. It was a harsh, raspy screech. It sounded too strange to be believable.

The largest speaker began to fire out blue sound waves. They clashed with the purple, causing the sounds to get louder and the room to shake more violently.

Kevin groaned in pain as he slowly started to lose footing. The vibration of the room was throwing him off.

Iris kept going. Her skin slowly started to glow a multicolored blend. She was reaching her limit.

Kevin screamed at the top of his lungs to add what he could to the speakers, and in this moment a loud boom sounded. The entire school school shook violently before the power to the building went out. There was lots of screaming and crashing going on until everything went silent.

The silence was broken by a scream of sheer terror.

A girl had found the two in the gym. Kevin was face first in his own blood. Iris was steaming ash.


Kirstie's eyes opened instantly and she shot up, "Kevin!"

The Pack (Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz