Season 2 Episode 18: New Student

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The days following the fight were quiet. It was as if the world had slowed down a few beats afterwards, which relieved and worried Scott beyond belief. He was glad things weren't as hectic, but he was worried that what happened at the end of the battles would not be the last of those hunters.

Scott sat in his usual spot in Chemistry when the teacher tapped his meter stick on the board to gather attention. There was a boy standing up there, a dominant and strong presence to him. He looked cocky as hell and Scott hated it.
"Everyone. This is Alexander Kirk. He will be joining us for the rest of the school year. I expect you all to make him feel welcome."

A few distant and disinterested nods came and went before people started asking questions. "Where did you go before?" A girl in the back asked.
"I was homeschooled." Alex replies, his smirk somehow getting stronger and more pointed.

For a few seconds, Scott and Alex made eye contact. And in that second, something cold and angry glossed over his soft brown eyes. It made a shiver run down his spine, and Scott found himself less interested in what was going on in the front of the class. Alex was told to sit down, and he chose an empty seat in front of where Kirstie and him usually sat. The class seemed to lose interest in Alex as soon as it wasn't required. All except for Scott and Kirstie.
Kirstie and Scott exchanged looks of mixed interpretation toward Alex. Scott has never met him before in his life, and now this dude was giving him death stares. If Scott didn't know any better, he'd say the guy hated him. But the thing was, he didn't know any better.

Kirstie raised her hand to get the teacher's attention, "May I go to the restroom, please?"
"Can you hold it? I'm in the middle of something." The teacher said as he lowered his marker.
"My vagina is bleeding." She replied, though she was very much so lying. The teacher sighed and nodded. Kirstie stood and collected her things, grabbing Scott and pulling him with her.
"Mr. Hoying, please remain-"
"His vagina's bleeding too." Kirstie said as they stepped out of the classroom. The snicker of classmates sent them off as the door closed and Kirstie practically threw Scott into the janitor's closet. She turned on the light and set her stuff down, "Okay, he's weird. I don't like him."
"Maybe he just doesn't like the school in general?" Scott said, "We should at least give him the benefit of the doubt."
"If I go to lunch and find him sitting there, I'm taking Mitch to Bread Co. without you." Kirstie said venomously.
"Woah! No need to get dangerous! Look, I'm not saying we have to crawl up his ass, but we should at least make an effort to not jump on his back. He's new, he probably doesn't have many friends." Scott said, leaning against the wall.

Kirstie slacked her jaw and shook her head, "One of these days, somebody's gonna bury a knife so far into your back you're gonna have to grow eyes in the back of your head. That kid is bad news, and I won't hesitate to slice his ass up if he hurts you."
"Since when did you become all 'mama wolf'?" Scott raised a brow, crossing his arms.

Kirstie cleared her throat and readjusted her bag, "Ever since I realized I had something to protect. Something new, and precious." She shook her head, "Whatever. But I'm not kissing any ass."
"The only butt I'm gonna allow is my foot up yours if you don't shut up." Kirstie glared.
"You sure your vagina isn't actually bleeding?" Scott asked. Kirstie slapped him into one of the shelves, and he proceeded to knock over an assortment of brooms and mops. He landed on his ass, and held his cheek as he looked at her. He knew he deserved it, but the cheap chuckle that sounded from him felt kind of worth it. And if everyone was completely honest, Kirstie thought it was secretly funny, too.

Kevin and Avi were sitting at the lunch table, waiting for the others to join them. Avi was pinching the bridge of his nose and taking deep breaths. He had been having terrible sleeping schedules ever since the fight, and today was a good five hours of sleep. Though, that wasn't the primary thing on his mind. It was trying not the lash out at people. A sleepy werewolf is a violent werewolf.
Kevin drank from his water bottle, watching Avi whilst doing so. His primary focus is his new shot at valedictorian. At his current standing of salutatorian, he looked for any chance to beat his rival. His rival had to take Phys. Ed next semester, so that left him the time to take advantage.

Scott lead Alex to the table, and sat down with the duo. Scott has a welcoming smile plastered to his face and Alex looked less than enthused. He took an almost animalistic bite out of his apple as he stared down the two best friends.
Avi leaned a little towards Kevin and whispered, "Who the fuck is this?"
Kevin simply shrugged and opened his chips, eating one.

The entire table was startled when a tray was almost slammed onto it. Kirstie was giving Scott the kind of look that mothers give when they were blatantly disobeyed. Scott just gave a wide grin and patted the seat next to him. Kirstie day across from him.
"Guys, this is Alex. He's new here. I think he transferred. Alex, this is Kevin, Avi, and Kirstie." Scott finally cleared the silence.
Avi gave a small smile and nodded, "Hey."
Alex just stared at them. If Kevin didn't know better, he'd say this kid wasn't even breathing. That he was just looking at some robot.

Kirstie pulled out her phone and dialed someone up, "Mitch, honey? What are you doing after school?" She nodded her head as he responded, "Mhm, well not anymore. We're getting Bread Co. without Scott."
Scott frowned deeply. He hated that. Kirstie knew he loved Bread Co. She gave him a nasty look before hanging up the phone.

Alex cleared his throat and threw on a small smile, "I wanna thank you for taking me under your wing so fast. I thought making friends was gonna be harder than that." Scott nodded, looking at the others. None of them looked entertained.
Alex stood from his spot and nodded to them before leaving, giving a last glance to them as he slipped past the cafeteria threshold.


Avi and Kevin strolled down their childhood pathway in the woods, the sounds of nature being their music. Avi hopped on protruding rocks and stones as Kevin traversed the trail slowly and calmly.

"I talked to Mitch yesterday." Avi said. Kevin glanced at him, then looked forward again. His chin was up and his chest was out, showing he was listening.
"He said he's been having nightmares recently. I was gonna go check up on him later tonight." Kevin said. He paused when his nose picked up a scent that wasn't normal for the woods without panic. It smelled like fire. He tried listening for flames, but he couldn't. He saw that Avi had also smelled it. He nodded off of the path and they both followed the scent through the dense woods.

The scent got stronger the further they venture until, eventually, they reached a clearing. And to Avi's surprise, not a flame in sight. It was just green grass and the occasional wildflower here and there. However, the scent didn't waver. Kevin tried stepping into the clearing, but he was suddenly pulled back by Avi. Before he could even ask, a large sword slammed down in front of him. It stuck in the ground, nothing showing where it came from.
Suddenly, the handle started to burn hot. Hand prints formed, and soon the ghost of hands slowly built the body of a strong, armored titan. It burst into flames, and soon quenched. There stood a large, red knight. It pulled the sword from the ground and reared it, again. Avi and Kevin split up, diving on either side. Avi's eyes flared as he growled, claws and fangs coming out on full display. Kevin used his wolf eyes to try and see if any more were around. He saw one more marching towards them. It, too, made itself known and present.
"Kev, we gotta get out of here!" Avi said as he dodged another swing of the sword. He tried clawing at the knight, but the armor was thick and strong. The knight grabbed him by the neck and lifted him like he weighed nothing. Avi looked at its face. Though most of it was covered by a helmet, he saw its eyes. A bright, burning orange. Bright like the strongest flame. The knight threw Avi into a tree, causing him to grunt on impact.

Kevin quickly picked Avi up and ran off with him, not looking back. He had no idea what those things were, but he thoroughly planned to find out.

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