Season 1 Episode 9: Hunters

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Avi and Kirstie sprinted through the trees towards where they last heard the sound. Who ever howled hadn't howled sense and they hadn't picked up on a scent or heartbeat yet. Kirstie didn't care very much, but Avi was worried.

The further they rush into the woods, the more concerned Avi became and the more confused Kirstie became.

Avi was going to continue, but Kirstie yanked him behind a bush and clamped her hand over his mouth.
"Mmmmm!" Avi muffled.
"Sh!" Kirstie hushed.
"Mmmmmmmm!" Avi muffled again.
"Avi! Shut u-ew!" Kirstie whisper-yelled, tanking her hand away after Avi licked it.

Avi smirked deviously as Kirstie wiped her hand on the ground.
"Stay quiet." Kirstie whispered.
"Why?" Avi whispered back.
"Because trucks in these woods only mean one thing." Kirstie replied.
"What?" Avi asked.

There was a short paused and Kirstie sighed softly.

"You sure he would want to come here? What kind of shapeshifter purposely goes to a high school?" Scott frowned, sniffing some more.

Scott's face twisted slightly in distaste and he rubbed his nose.
"What's that smell?" He asked.
"Ghost Ash." Kevin sighed.
"What the hell is 'Ghost Ash'?" Scott asked.
"It's used for many purposes. If liquified, it serves as a drug for shape shifters that either puts them in a forty-two hour daze, or completely knocks them out. If used in powdered form, it acts as a barrier that no supernatural being can cross once connected in a shape of the creators desire." Kevin responded.
"Wait. Is that what made Jake so hostile?" Scott asked, turning around to check behind his back.
"Yes. My mother mixed the liquified compound with salt and werewolf salivate. However, his of smell is far stronger than a normal weresnake.-"
"Why do you keep saying that?" Scott cut Kevin off.

Kevin stayed silent for a few seconds.
"- That meaning the liquified effects triggered him and studies show that dazed or confused reptiles become hostile. With that being said, he's obviously not a normal weresnake, as a werewolf is usually stronger than a weresnake." Kevin finished.

Scott opened his mouth to say something, but a clear liquid dripped from the ceiling and landed at his feet followed with a soft hiss.
"Kevin." Scott froze, not making a single movement.
"What?" Kevin asked, turning around.

When Kevin looked up, his eyes widened. Jake was sticking to the ceiling. He was half-shifted again, with scales on one side of his face.

Jake dove for Kevin, but Scott tackled him mid-air and wrestled him to the ground. Jake snaked his legs around Scott and twisted hard, throwing Scott down the hall.

Kevin flashed his claws and lowly growled, earning a hiss from Jake.

Jake slithered down the hallway swiftly, leaving the duo. Kevin jogged over to Scott to help him up.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"A weresnake just threw me down a hallway with his legs wrapped around my neck. What do you think?" Scott asked.
"This way." Kirstie waved, pressing her back against the side of the tree.

The two both listened closely to the conversation happening just a twenty feet away. They could smell a werewolf and hear several heartbeats.
"Y'all got rid of the bodies? I don't need no dead dogs lyin' around." A raspy male voice said.
"It's done. I trust you plan to keep your end of the deal?" A smooth female spoke.
"You're little dog boy is down there. Y'all are some sadistic fucks to want to torture it. Anythin' with that kinda power is better off kilt." The male voice said.
"What we do with him is none of your business. You've got your money, now go. We'll be back next week once you've got more creatures. Collectors pay a fortune for fangs and eyes." The female voice spoke. "Get the prods from the truck and grab the Ghost Ash. This one's close to breaking."

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