Talkative brunette

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~ Chapter 3 ~

I open my eyes slowly, feeling this burning ache. I sit up and realize I'm in my room—on my bed.
After I remember what happened, which I barely do, I start getting confused.

How did I get here? Oh no. Asher. He probably carried me to my house. I wonder if my dad knows.

I look outside my window and see that it's already night time. Wow, how long was I out? I think I blacked out good.

As my eyes trail away from the night sky, they land on what's across my window; the neighbor's window. Asher's house is right beside mine, so I have a clear view of his bedroom. How lucky—not.

I thought I would hear loud rock music playing and see Asher playing a guitar, but no. As my eyes look inside the window, I see something totally different.

I see a shirtless Asher, laying on his navy blue bed, with his phone in his hand. His brown hair is everywhere—predictable. He only has black sweatpants on and he seems quite relaxed. His room seems clean and not trashed with dirty clothes everywhere, except the couple of T-shirts on the ground.

I look back at him and then he suddenly see's me, and starts getting up, walking towards his window. He pulls it up and I pull my window to the side.

" Hey. " he smirks his signature smirk and leans against the window frame.

" Hi." I try and keep my eyes on his face and not anywhere else since he's not wearing a shirt, so he wouldn't get the wrong idea. I guess he see's that because then he turns into cocky Asher.

" Wanna join me in my room?" Really cockytoo cocky, then again predictable.

" I'd rather not, but how did you get me into my room? "

" Easy. It was like carrying feather. Except when I came to knock the door a really unhappy man asked me why I was carrying his daughter." he scratches the back of his neck, awkwardly.

I raise my eyebrows. " So I guess you've met my dad then?"

" Yeah, you could say that. But I'm not sure he was happy seeing me deliver his daughter to the door, because he kept glaring at me, and I swear if looks could kill. I mean you wouldn't be talking to me right now." He shakes his head with exaggeration.

I laugh but he's right I dont think my dad is happy with me right now, because he has rules and boundaries between me and boys. I'm sure he'd be less cautious when I meet the right one.

" Yeah, I'm sorry about that. My dad can be over-protective sometimes."

" Tell me about it. " He continues smirking and I roll my eyes.

" Well look at us making conversation from our windows at eight o'clock at night. Totally normal." I say playfully. I mean it is better than confronting my dad about earlier.

He nods. "We could be doing more than just talking, if you come into my room." he raises an eyebrow, considerately. And as I take in what he just said, I wince at his cockiness.

" God help me. " I mumble.

I hear Asher sigh and then I sigh too, mocking him.

" I'm bored." I say my thought out loud. " Aren't you supposed to be partying on a Friday night? Like a back-to-school party or something."

" Yeah, but nobody threw a party yet, because everybody's parents are home." he says in a bored tone.

Of course. The students have to wait for their parents to get back to work and go on nightshifts, just so they can start their madness.

I just nod, thinking about closing my window to go binge-watch Netflix, but he says something. " Hey, Grey? "

" Yeah?" Still using my last name, but I let it go at this point.

" You look like you need some life in you. Want to come over and watch a movie? " he seems breathless but considerable.

Should I say yes or should I decline the offer. I overthink it for a moment. I am dying of boredom and we've both got nothing else to do, so why not? And this is also a chance to see if this guys a real asshole.

" Sure, but as neighbors, I will come over." I say really slowly, narrowing my eyes at him.

From a short distance, I could see his eyes start twinkling and he smirks. " As neighbors." He repeats. " Well, I'll be waiting for you downstairs and you have the honor of picking the movie." He says, playfully.

I nod, then stop him from closing his window. " Brunette, put a shirt on, please." That would be best for the both of us.

" I will, but I know you like what your seeing. " he raises an eyebrow as I roll my eyes.

" In your dreams." I shake my head.

" Yeah, I'll probably dream about you tonight and we'll both be—"

" I don't even want to hear what you're going to say. Just shut up and go downstairs. Gosh, brunettes are talkative. "

He rolls his eyes teasingly, and as I start closing my window I hear him mumble something about how he should die his hair green or black.

Hope you liked it
I know it was short I'm sorry
I tried making Asher as cocky as possible ;)
Enjoy <3

~ surviver ~

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